Men and women in Estonian-Swedish countryside
At the end of the semester, December 19, this year's last seminar in the Estonian-Swedish seminar series organized by IRES was held. Despite being close to Christmas, the seminar attracted a large audience who came to listen to the Docent Ann Grubbström's lecture. Ann who is currently at SLU University received her PhD degree in 2003 in Cultural Geography for the thesis “Sillar och mullvadar. Jordägande och etnicitet i Estlands svenskbygder 1816-1939”. She has also published several articles, among others dealing with gender roles among Estonian coastal residents 1870-1939 in The History of the Family (2012).
The seminar subtitled "from fishermen and seafarers in the 19th century to today's landowners" dealt with the change in gender roles over time among the Estonian Swedes. Having the living conditions of the 19th century as a starting point, Ann told how different roles of men and women changed as a result of various economic and external conditions. There were many questions from the committed audience, many of whom have their roots in Estonia.
The seminar series, which has been going on throughout 2018 and drawn a growing audience, is expected to continue in 2019.