Call for Papers - The 14th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe (CBSE)

“Rights and Recognition in the Baltic Context”
June 3–5, 2021, Uppsala University, Sweden

In 2021, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania will mark 100 years of international recognition de jure as modern independent states, and 30 years of recognition of their reestablishment as independent democracies following a half century of Soviet domination. At the same time, it will be 300 years since the Treaty of Nystad ended Swedish rule in the Baltic territories, resulting in the creation of provinces of the Russian Empire with their own particular system of rights and regulations. Similar to today, however, these rights were not applied evenly across society. Then as now, some voices are suppressed, and some groups struggle for recognition. Thus, the main theme of the CBSE Uppsala in 2021 will be to look at aspects of rights and recognition in their broader meanings, as they pertain to the societies of the eastern Baltic littoral.

Scholars are invited to submit proposals for individual papers or panels in the following thematic streams:

• History
• Politics, International Relations, Security
• Language, Culture, Media
• Society (Sociology, Economics, Anthropology, Gender studies, etc.)
• Migration and Minorities
• Sustainability (e.g. cultural heritage, urban planning, “green” management, higher education policy)

In collaboration with Journal of Baltic Studies, there will also be writing workshops for early career scholars (graduate students and postdocs) to discuss draft manuscripts for publication in academic journals.

Proposals for papers, panels, and writing workshop participation are to be submitted electronically using the following online form:

The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2020.

Decisions on proposals will be announced in December 2020. Due to the fact that a significant number of presentations have been transferred from the AABS conference to be held in Charlotte, NC, in May 2020, which was cancelled due to Covid-19, there may be more slots available for papers/panels in some streams than in others.

For general queries, please contact:

The conference is organized by the Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies (IRES).

Download the Call for Papers as a pdf file (Link removed) .

