Anders Sundell is awarded the Zetterberg Prize for 2021
The Hans L. Zetterberg Prize in Sociology is awarded annually to young researchers from Sweden or abroad, who with their scholarly work in sociology, preferably by fruitfully combining theory and practice, have advanced the research front. The prize sum is SEK 100,000 (USD 11,000 or EUR 9,500).
The political scientist Anders Sundell is awarded the prize for augmenting the field of political sociology by approaching it from a broad social science perspective. His research spans several fields, and includes election studies, succession order, and the study of fundamental norms and values. Not least his contribution to examining the relationship between informally grown norms and formal systems of rules deserves attention. Sundell has published in the most prominent scientific journals at the same time as he has actively participated in the public conversation in a true enlightenment spirit. He is in a praiseworthy manner able to explain and put research results in contexts that make them accessible to the public.
The prize will be presented during a ceremony in mid-March 2022.