Publications 2014
Articles in peer-reviewed journals (in English) by members of Welfare Research Group:
Alexanderson, K; Hyvönen, U; Karlsson, P-Å & Larsson, A-M. (2014). Supporting user involvement in child welfare work: a way of implementing evidence-based practice. Evidence & Policy, vol.10, no. 4, p. 541-554(14)
Andersen, J.; Hugemark, A. & Richter Bjelke, B. (2014). The market of personal assistance in Scandinavia: hybridization and provider efforts to achieve legitimacy and customers” Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, Volume 16, Supplement: Personal Assistance, 2014, p. 34-47.
Askheim, O. P; Storgaard Bonfils, I. & Hugemark, A. (2014). Editorial, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, Volume 16, Supplement: Personal Assistance, 2014.
Burns, T., Roszkowska, E., Machado, N. (2014). Distributive Justice: From Steinhaus, Knaster, and Banach to Elster and Rawls: The Perspective of Sociological Game Theory. Studies in Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric. vol. 37, no. 50, p. 11-38
Bursztein Lipsicas C, Mäkinen I H, Wasserman D, Apter A, Bobes J, Kerkhof A, Michel K, Salander Renberg E, van Heeringen C, Värnik A. & Schmidtke A. (2014). Immigration and Recommended Care after a Suicide Attempt in Europe: Equity or Bias? Short report. European Journal of Public Health vol. 24, nr 1, p. 63-65.
Bursztein Lipsicas C; Mäkinen I.H.; Wasserman D, Apter A; Kerkhof A; Michel K et al. (2014). Repetition of Attempted Suicide among Immigrants in Europe. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 59, p. 539-547.
Cedervall, Y; Torres, S. & Åberg, A-C. (2014). Maintaining well-being and selfhood through physical activity: the meanings that people with mild Alzheimer's disease attach to being active Aging & Mental Health, DOI:10.1080/13607863.2014.962004
Flinkfeldt, M. (2014). Making equality relevant. Gender, Housework and Sick Leave Legitimacy in Online Interaction, Feminism and Psychology, vol 24, no 3, p. 295-313.
Green, G., Davison, C. Bradby, H. et al (2014) Pathways to care - how Superdiversity shapes the need for navigational assistance’ Sociology of Health and Illness 36(8) 1205-1219.
Hellström, I. & Torres, S. (2014). The “not yet” horizon: Understandings of the future amongst couples living with dementia. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice DOI: 10.1177/1471301214565673
Hugemark, A. & Roman, C. (2014). Putting Gender and Ethnic Discrimination on the Political Agenda: The Creation of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman and the Ombudsman against Ethnic Discrimination in Sweden, NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, vol. 22, no. 2, p. 84-99.
Isaksson, J. & Lindqvist, R. (2014) What is the meaning of special education? Problem representations in Swedish policy document: late 1970s-2014. European Journal of Special Needs Education, DOI: 10.1080/08856257.2014.964920
Iversen, C. (2014). “I don’t know if I should believe him”: Knowledge and believability in interviews with abused children. British Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 53, no. 2, p. 367-386, DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12028
Iversen, C. (2014). Predetermined participation: Social workers evaluating children's agency in domestic violence interventions. Childhood, vol. 21, no. 2, p. 274-289, DOI: 10.1177/0907568213492804
Jukkala T., Mäkinen I.H., Stickley A. (2014). The Historical Development of Suicide Mortality in Russia. Archives of Suicide Research, 10.1080/13811118.2014.915774
Kania-Lundholm, M. (2014). Nation in Market Times: Connecting the National and the Commercial. A Research Overview. Sociology Compass, vol. 8, no. 6, p. 603-613. (DOI).
Krohne, K; Torres, S; Slettebø, Å & Bergland, A. (2014). Everyday uses of standardized test information: a qualitative study exploring professional test administrators’ justifications. BMC Health Services Research, 14:72 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-14-72
Machado, N. & Burns, T. R. (2014). Not Bystanders Any Longer: Social sciences, Social Responsibility and Sustainability Research in an Emerging Revolution. Confluencias: Revista interdisciplinar de Sociologia e Direito (Brazil), vol. 16, no. 1, p. 27-40.
Svavarsdóttir, J;Lindqvist, R & Júliúsdóttir, S (2014) Mental Health and Quality of Life. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, vol 18, no 2, p. 72-88.
Torres, S. (2014). Expanding the gerontological imagination on ethnicity: conceptual and theoretical perspectives. Ageing & Society, Available on CJO 2014 doi:10.1017/S0144686X14001330
Torres, S; Lindblom, J. & Nordberg, C. (2014). Daily newspaper reporting on elderly care in Sweden and Finland: a quantitative content analysis of ethnicity and migration-related issues Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion,
Wejbrandt, A. (2014). Defining aging in cyborgs: A bio-techno-social definition of aging. Journal of Aging Studies, 31: 104-109.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals (in Swedish) by members of Welfare Research Group:
Forssell, E; Torres, S. & Olaison, A: (2014). Anhörigomsorg mot betalning: Biståndshandläggare om sent-i-livet-invandrares önskemål (Cash for care: care managers on late in life immigrants’ requests) Socialvetenskaplig Tidskrift; vol. 21, no. 2, p. 114-137.
Wejbrandt, A. (2014). Att definiera åldrande i den hybrida människans spår. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 91(4): 373-383.
Dissertations by members of Welfare Research Group:
Lassinantti, K. (2014). Diagnosens dilemman: Identitet, anpassning och motstånd hos kvinnor med ADHD. Uppsala University: Department of Sociology (Diss.)
Salmonsson, L. (2014). The 'Other' Doctor: Boundary work within the Swedish medical profession. Diss. Uppsala University: Department of Sociology (Diss.)
Willander, E. (2014). What Counts as Religion in Sociology?: The Problem of Religiosity in Sociological Methodology. Uppsala University: Department of Sociology (Diss.)
Books (in English) by members of Welfare Research Group:
Baumgartner, T., Burns, T., De Ville, P. (2014). The Shaping of Socio-Economic Systems: The Application of the Theory of Actor-System-Dynamics to Conflict, Social Power, and Institutional Innovation in Economic Life. Oxford/New York: Routledge.
Book chapters in peer-reviewed books (in English) by members of Welfare Research Group:
Kelman, I., Rosa, E., Burns, T., Machado, N., Olsson, L. et al. (2014). Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere (MAHB): Integrating Social Science and the Humanities into Solving Sustainability Challenges. In M. Manfredo, J. Vaske, A Rechkemmer, & Ester Duke (eds.) Understanding Society and Natural Resources. Berlin/New York: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Roszkowska, E. & Burns, T. R. (2014). Decision-making under Conditions of Multiple Values and Variation in Conditions of Risk and Uncertainty. In W. Pedrycz & P. Guo (Ed.) Human-Centric Decision-making Models for Social Sciences. Berlin/NewYork/Tokyo: Springer Publishing Company.
Working papers by members of Welfare Research Group:
Burns, T. & Machado, N. (2014). The Sociology of Creativity: A Sociological Systems Framework to Identify and Explain Social Mechanisms of Creativity and Innovative Developments. Report. (CIES e-Working Papers 196/2014) (peer-reviewed)
Burns, T., Machado, N. & Corte, U. (2014). Toward a Universal Theory of the Human Group: Sociological Systems Framework Applied to the Comparative Analysis of Groups and Organizations. Report. (CIES e-Working Papers 191/2014) (peer reviewed)
Burns, T. &; Machado, N. (2014). Social Rule System Theory: Universal Interaction Grammars. Report. (CIES e-Working Papers 175/2014) (peer reviewed)
Non-peer reviewed books (in Swedish) by members of Welfare Research Group:
Hyvönen, U. & Alexanderson, K. (2014). Barnen vill - Vågar vi. Barn och ungdomars brukarmedverkan i den sociala barnavården. Stiftelsen allmänna barnhuset.
Hellström Muhli, U. (2014). Forskningsetik. (Kapitel i bok) I J. Trost. Att skriva uppsats med akribi. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Lindqvist, R; Markström, U. & Rosenberg, D. (2014) Psykiska funktionshinder i samhället. Aktörer, insatser, reformer. Malmö: Gleerups.
Mella, O; Ahmadi, F. & Palm, I. (2014). Mångfaldsbarometern 2014. Rapport publicerad av Högskolan i Gävle.
Winqvist, M. (2014). Anhörigkonsulentens arbete och yrkesroll – Resultat från en enkätundersökning, Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga Rapport 2014:1, Kalmar.