Publications 2015



Articles in peer-reviewed journals (in English) by members of Welfare Research Group:

Burns, T. R. (2015). Sustainable development:  Agents, Systems and the Environment. Current Sociology, vol. 63, p. 1-30.

Burns, T., Machado, N. & Corte, U. (2015). The Sociology of Creativity: PART I: Theory: The Social Mechanisms of Innovation and Creative Developments in Selectivity Environments. Human Systems Management, vol.  34, no. 3, p. 179-199

Burns,T. R. Corte, U. & Machado, N. (2015). The sociology of creativity: PART II: Applications: The socio-cultural contexts and conditions of the production of novelty. Human Systems Management, vol. 34, p. 263–286.

Cedervall, Y; Torres, S. & Åberg, A-C. (2015). Maintaining well-being and selfhood through physical activity: the meanings that people with mild Alzheimer's disease attach to being active Aging & Mental Health, vol. 19, no. 8, p. 679-688. (Published in IFirst in 2014 and found on DOI:10.1080/13607863.2014.962004

Forsman, A K, Fredén, L, Lindqvist, R & Wahlbeck, K (2015) Contribution of the Nordic School of Public Health to the public mental health research field: a selection of research initiatives, 2007-2014. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, vol. 43 (Suppl 16), p. 66-72.

Forssell, E; Torres, S. & Olaison, A. (2015). Care managers’ experiences of cross-cultural need assessment meetings: the case of late-in-life immigrants. Ageing & Society, vol. 35, no. 2, p. 576-601 (Published in IFirst in 2013 and found in: doi:10.1017/So144686X13000901)

Jukkala, T; Mäkinen, I.H; Stickley, A. (2015). The Historical Development of Suicide Mortality in Russia. Archives of Suicide Research, vol. 19, pp.117-130.

Kania-Lundholm, M., & Lindgren, S. (2015): Beyond the Nation State: Polish National Identity and Cultural Intimacy Online, National Identities

Kania-Lundholm, M. & Torres, S. (2015). The divide within: older active ICT users position themselves against different ‘Others’. Journal of Aging Studies, vol. 35, no. ??, p. 26-36. DOI information: 10.1016/j.jaging.2015.07.008

Kelman, I., Burns, T.R. & Machado des Johansson, N. (2015). Islander innovation: A research and action agenda on local responses to global issues. Journal of Marine and Island Cultures vol.4, p. 34–41.

Markström, U. & Lindqvist R. (2015) Establishment of community mental health systems in a post-deinstitutional era: A study of organisational structures and service provision in Sweden. Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation, vol. 14, no. 2,  124-44.

Mäkinen, I.H. (2015). Social Factors and Suicide: Comparing the Regional Concomitants of Eastern European Suicide Mortality over the 20th Century. Suitsidologiya, vol. 6, no. 2, pp.3-17.

Peuravaara, K. (2015). Risky transitions in an ableist environment: the experience of frequent critical looks. International Review of Sociology. DOI: 10.1080/03906701.2015.1017353.

Phillimore, J; Bradby, H; Knecht, M; Padilla, B; Brand, T; Cheung, S; Pemberton, S. & Zeeb, H. (2015). Understanding healthcare practices in superdiverse neighbourhoods and developing the concept of welfare bricolage. Protocol of a cross-national mixed-methods study. BMC International Health and Human Rights 15:16

Sépulchre, M & Lindqvist, R (2015) Enhancing active citizenship for persons with psychosocial disabilities. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. DOI: 101080/15017419.2015.1108288

Siouta, E., Hellström Muhli, U., Hedberg, B., Broström, A., Fossum, B., Karlgren, K. (2015).  Patients’ Experiences of Involvement and Communication in Decision Making about Atrial Fibrillation Treatment in Consultations with Nurses and Physicians, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. doi: 10.11111/scs.12276.

Torres, S. (2015). Expanding the gerontological imagination on ethnicity: conceptual and theoretical perspectives. Ageing & Society, vol. 35, no. 5, p. 935-960. (Published in IFirst in 2014 and found in: doi:10.1017/S0144686X14001330

Thunman, E., (2015). Managing stress: A matter of proactivity or trust? A thematic study of female- and male-dominated Swedish work settings. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, vol. 10, no. 2, s. 134-52 .

Thunman E. & Persson, M. (2015). Justifying the authentic self. Swedish public service workers talking about work stress. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, vol. 16, no 1.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals (in Swedish) by members of Welfare Research Group:

Torres, S; Olaison, A. & Forssell, E. (2015). Biståndshandläggare om möten med sent-i-livet-invandrade äldre: inblick i hur en insitutionell kategori skapas. Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 44-62.

Articles in non-peer-reviewed journals (in Swedish) by members of Welfare Research Group:

Hammarström, G. (2015). Carl von Linnés avhandling “Människans förvandling” i socialgerontologisk belysning, Svensk Medicinhistorisk Tidskrift, vol. 19, p. 73-88.

Ågård, P; Torres, S. & Milberg, A. (2015). Att möta det okända: vårdpersonal samtalar om tvärkulturella vårdmöten i livets slutskede. Palliativ vård, no. 3, p. 10-11

PhD Thesis by members of Welfare Research Group:

Peuravaara, K. (2015). “Som en vanlig tjej”:Föreställningar om kropp, funktionalitet och feminitet. PhD Dissertation. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.

Book chapters in peer-reviewed books (in English) members of Welfare Research Group:

Burns, T. R., Corte, U. & Machado, N.  (2015). Toward a Universal Theory of the Human Group: Sociological Systems Framework applied to the Comparative Analysis of Groups and Organizations.” In B. Kaminski et al  The 15th International Conference on Group Decision-making and Negotiation. Warsaw: Warsaw School of Economics Press.

Burns, T.R., Machado, N. & Roszkowska, E. (2015). Distributive Justice, Legitimizing Collective Choice Procedures, and the Production of Equiilibria in Social Groups: Toward a Theory of Social Order. In: B. Kaminski, G.E. Kerster, and T. Szapiro (eds.) Outlooks and Insights on Group Decision and Negotiation. Heidelberg/New York/Oxford: Springer Publishing

Bradby, H.  (2015). Meg Stacey: The Sociology of Health and Healing. In F. Collyer (Ed). The Palgrave Handbook of Social Theory in Health, Illness and Medicine. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Iversen, C. (2015). Hitting ontological rock bottom: Discursive psychology's respecification of the realism/relativism debate. In E. Stokoe & C. Tileaga (Eds) Discursive Psychology: Classic and Contemporary Issues. London: Routledge.

Kania-Lundholm, M. (2015). Nation for Sale? Citizen Online Debates and the ‘New Patriotism’ in Post-Socialist Poland. In Z Volcic & M. Andrejevic (eds.). Commercial Nationalism. Selling the Nation and Nationalizing the Sell. Palgrave Macmillan.

Torres, S. (2015). Ethnicity, culture and migration. In J. Twigg & W. Martin (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Cultural Gerontology. Routledge.

Willander, E. (2015). Confirmation Work in Sweden. In F. Schweitzer; H. Siminjoki & K. Niemelä (Eds). Youth, Religion and Confirmation Work in Europe: The Second International Study. Gütersloher Verlagshaus: Tübingen.

Books (in Swedish) members of Welfare Research Group:

Ahmadi. F; Mella, O; Palm, I & Darvishpour, M. (2015). Mångfaldsbarometern. Tio år av attitydmätningar i Sverige. Gävle: Gävle University Press.

Alexanderson, Karin & Näsman. Elisabet (2015). Barndom och föräldraskap i missbrukets skugga. Barn, ungdomar och föräldrar berättar om vardagsliv och behov av stöd när föräldern har missbruksproblem. Regionförbundet i Uppsala län och Uppsala universitet.

Book chapters (in Swedish) members of Welfare Research Group:

Alexanderson, K.; Fernqvist, S.& Näsman, E.(2015). Barn som anhöriga, utsatta och omvårdare - två typexempel. I U Järkestig Berggren; L. Magnusson & E. Hansson (Eds). Att se barn som anhöriga – om beroende i relationer, interventioner och omsorgsansvar. Nationellt komptenscentrum anhöriga och Linneuniversitetet.

Iversen, C. (2015). Utvärderingsintervjuer. In M. Eriksson, Å. Källström Cater, E. Näsman (Eds) Barns röster om våld: Att lyssna, tolka och förstå. Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning

Näsman, E.; Alexanderson, K.; Fernqvist, S. & Kihlgård, J.(2015). Att se barn som anhöriga. I U Järkestig Berggren; L. Magnusson & E. Hansson (Eds). Att se barn som anhöriga – om beroende i relationer, interventioner och omsorgsansvar. Nationellt komptenscentrum anhöriga och Linneuniversitetet.

Torres, S. (2015). Äldre invandrare: den äldreomsorgspolitiska konstruktionen av ett välfärdproblem In M. Darvishpour & C. Westin (Eds) (2nd). Migration och etnicitet: perspektiv på ett mångkulturellt Sverige. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Willander, E. (2015). Religiositet och sekularisering. In M. Lövheim & M. Nordin (Eds). Sociologiska perspektiv på religion i Sverige. Gleerups: Lund.

Willander, E. & Brandberg, P. (2015). Ett första spadtag för statistik över diakoni. In A. Sandberg (Ed.) Nyckeln till Svenska Kyrkan. Svenska kyrkan: Uppsala.

Reports (in English) by members of Welfare Research Group

Bradby, H; Humphris, R; Newall, D. & Phillimore, J. (2015). Public health aspects of migrant health: a review of the evidence on health status for refugees and asylum seekers in the European Region. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2015 (Health Evidence Network synthesis report 44).

Reports (in Swedish) by members of Welfare Research Group:

Alexanderson, K. & Jess, Kari (2015). Stuprör, hängrännor och rännkrokar. Utvärdering av projektet Samordnat stöd till barn och föräldrar i familjer med missbruk 2013-2014. Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga och Linnéuniversitetet. Nr 4. Webb-upplaga.

Alexanderson, K. & Näsman, E. (2015). Barndom och föräldraskap missbrukets skugga. Uppsala: Regionförbundet Uppsala län & Uppsala Universitet. Ladda ned rapporten

Broberg, A., Almqvist, K., Appell, P., Axberg, U., Cater, Å., Draxler, H., Eriksson, M. Iversen, C. & Röbäck de Souza, K. (2015). Utveckling av bedömningsinstrument och stödinsatser för våldsutsatta barn. Report. Göteborgs universitet.

Winqvist, M. (2015). Stödet till anhöriga i Uppsala kommun 2010 – 2013, Slutrapport, FoU rapport 2015/1, Regionförbundet Uppsala län, Uppsala.

Winqvist, M. (2015). Uppföljning av kursen Leva- inte bara överleva, Rapport Leva – inte bara överleva, Hela människan, Stockholm.

Winqvist, M. (2015). Ideal och verklighet – om självbestämmande i särskilt boende, FoU-rapport 2015/4, Regionförbundet Uppsala län.

Invited conference presentations (international) by members of Welfare Research Group:

Bradby, H. & Pemberton, S. (2015). Sweden Case Study (Paper presented at Understanding healthcare practices in superdiverse neighbourhoods, European Policy Centre, 3rd June, Brussels.)

Bradby, H. (2015). Conceptualizing the health consequences of mobility: shifting terminologies and persistent problems. (Paper presented at the Temporality and Transnationalism in Human Mobility: Concepts, Policies and Methodologies, Ihsan Dogramacı International Advanced Studies Center, Political Science Research Unit, Bilkent University, Ankara, 15th May).

Bradby, H.  (2015). Mobility and health (Two lectures at the migration observatory MOBILITY lab, İhsan Doğramacı International Advanced Studies Center, Political Science Research Unit, Bilkent University, Ankara, 13th April.

Iversen, C. & Bradby, H. (2015). Risk Work (Paper presented at Towards a Sociology of Risk Work Symposium, Department of Sociology, University of Amsterdam, 19th June).

Submitted conference presentations (international) by : members of Welfare Research Group

Alexanderson, K. & Näsman, E. (2015). Every day life when one parent had addiction problems. (Paper presented at the 6th International Carers Conference, September 3-5 in Gothenburg, Sweden).

Alexanderson, K. & Näsman, E. (2015). The role of the significant other when one parent has addictions problems. (Paper presented at the Kettil Bruun’s Society Thematic Meeting: Alcohol´s Harms to Others, Perceptions, Policies, Approaches in September 14-17 in Helsinki, Finland).

Burns, T. R. & P. Hall (2015). Toward Conceptualizing Social Power: Multiple Modalities and Meta-powering with Illustrations. (Paper presented at the 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, August 25-28 in Prague, Czech Republic.)

Burns, T. R., Machado, N. & Corte, U. (2015). Toward a Universal Theory of the Human Group: Applied in the Comparative Analysis of Groups and Organizations. (Paper presented at the 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, August 25-28 in Prague, Czech Republic.)

Burns, T.R. & Machado, N. (2015). Toward a Universal Theory of the Human Group: Sociological Systems Framework applied to the Comparative Analysis of Groups and Organizations. (Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Group Decision-making and Negotiation, June 22-26 in Warsaw, Poland).

Burns, T.R., Machado, N. &  Roszkowska,  E. (2015). Distributive Justice, Legitimizing Collective Choice Procedures, and the Production of Equiilibria in Social Groups: Toward a Theory of Social Order. (Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Group Decision-making and Negotiation, June 22-26 in Warsaw, Poland).

Flinkfeldt, M. (2015). Wanting to get back to work: Negotiating the sick role in doctors’ meetings with sick-listed patients and social insurance case officers (Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Conversation Analysis and Clinical Encounters, July 3-5 in Loughborough, UK.)

Iversen, C. (2015). Patientability: Translating medical data to older patients' experiences. (Paper presented at the 14th International Pragmatics Association Conference, July 26-31 in Antwep, Belgium).

Kania-Lundholm, M. (2015). What the critical approach can bring to the study of the everyday ICTs usage by a potentially vulnerable group?. (Paper presented at the 5th ICTs and Society Conference, June 3 -7 in Vienna, Austria.)

Kania-Lundholm & Torres, S. (2015). Keeping up with the information society: how active older users negotiate inclusion and participation. (Paper presented at the 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, August 25-28 in Prague, Czech Republic.)

Milberg, A; Torres, S. & Ågård, P. (2015). Staff understandings of cross-cultural interaction in end-of-life care: a focus group study (Poster presented at the 14th World Congress of the European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC), May 8-10 in Copenhagen, Denmark.)

Olaison, A; Torres, S. & Forssell, E. (2015). Documentation practices in need assessment: an analysis of descriptions of older people in social work case files. (Paper presented at the 5th ECSWR European Conference for Social Work Research, April 22-24, in Ljubljana, Slovenia).

Palm, I. (2015). Religious freedom but inequality – oppositions and conflicts in a multicultural society. (Paper presented at the 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, August 25-28 in Prague, Czech Republic.)

Sépulchre, M. (2015). Research on disability and citizenship: state of the art and ways forward. (Paper presented at the 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, August 25-28 in Prague, Czech Republic.)

Sépulchre, M. (2015). The concept of citizenship in Disability Research, a literature review. (Paper presented at the 13th Research conference of the Nordic Network of Disability Research (NNDR), May 6-8 in Bergen, Norway).

Ågård, P. & Torres, S. (2015). Caring for dying ’Others’: palliative care workers talk about cross-cultural interactions (Paper presented at the 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, August 25-28 in Prague, Czech Republic.)

Ågård, P; Torres, S. & Milberg, A. (2015). Enablers’ or hinderers’ of cross-cultura interaction: palliative care workers negotiate their understandings of family. (Paper presented at the Int’l. Conference of the ISAs Research Committee on Aging (RC11) and Family (RC6), June 3-6 in Syracuse, New York, USA,)

Invited conference presentations (national; in Swedish) by members of Welfare Research Group:

Alexanderson, K. (2015). Både barn och föräldrar vill att missbruket upptäcks. Folkhälsomyndigheten: Barnrättstorget, Almedalsveckan, June 30 in Visby, Sweden.

Torres, S. (2015). Den internationella migrationen, den etniska mångfalden och den åldrande befolkningen: stora frågor av relevans för det sociala arbetets praktik. (Plenary Lecture at the yearly FORSAs nationella symposium, March 24, 2015 in Norrköping, Sweden)

Submitted conference presentations (national; in Swedish):

Alexanderson, K. & Jess, K.(2015). Stuprör, hängrännor och rännkrokar – om socialtjänstens organisering. FORSAs nationella symposium, March 23-24 in Norrköping, Sweden.

