Publications 2016



Articles in peer-reviewed journals (in English) by members of Welfare Research Group:

Alexanderson, K. & Näsman, E. (2016). Children’s experiences of the role of the other parent when one parent has addiction problems. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. DOI: 10.1080/09687637.2016.1218824

Andre, M; Gröndal, H; Strandberg, E. L; Brorsson, A. & Hedin, K. (2016). Uncertainty in clinical practice: an interview study with Swedish GPs on patients with sore throat. BMC Family Practice17(1): 56. DOI: 10.1186/s12875-016-0452-9

Blomgren Mannerheim, A; Hellström Muhli, U. & Siouta, E. (2016). Parents’ experiences of caring responsibility for their adult child with schizophrenia. Journal of Schizophrenia Research and Treatment. vol. 2016, Article ID 1958198, 12 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/1958198

Bradby, H. (2016). Research agenda in medical sociology. Frontiers in Sociology, 20 October

Bradby, H; Margret, F. & Snow, S. (2016). Migration and danger: ethnicity and health. Ethnicity and Health 21(4): 333-339.

Burns, T. (2016). Sustainable development: Agents, systems and the Environment. Current Sociology 64(6): 875-906

Burns, T; Corte, U. & Machado des Johansson, N. (2016). The sociology of creativity: PART III: Applications – The socio-cultural contexts of the acceptance/rejection of innovations. Human Systems Management, 35(1) 11-35.

Burns, T. & Roszkowska, E. (2016). Rational choice theory: Toward a psychological, social, and material contextualization of human choice behavior. Theoretical Economics Letters, 6(2): 195-207

Carstensen, G. (2016) Sexual harassment Reconsidered: The forgotten grey zone. NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 24(4): 267-280. DOI:10.1080/08038740.2017.1292314

Ferlander, S; Stickley, A; Kislitsyna, O; Jukkala, T; Carlson, P. & Mäkinen, IH. (2016). Social capital - a mixed blessing for women? A cross-sectional study of different forms of social relations and self-rated depression in Moscow. BMC Psychology 4: 37.

Kaime-Atterhög, W; Persson, L-Å. & Ahlberg, BM. (2016).“With an open heart we receive the children”: Caregivers' strategies for reaching and caring for street children in Kenya. Journal of Social Work. DOI:

Kalengayi, F.K.N; Hurtig, A-K; Nordstrand, A; Ahlm, C. & Ahlberg, B.M. (2016).  Perspectives and experiences of new migrants on health screening in Sweden. BMC Health Services Research, 16:14  doi:10.1186/s12913-015-1218-0

Kania-Lundholm, M. & Lindgren, S. (2016). Beyond the nation state: Polish national identity and cultural intimacy online. National Identities, 18(3): 1-17. DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2015.1108958

Lindqvist, R. & Sépulchre, M. (2016) Active citizenship for persons with psychosocial disabilities in Sweden: a life-course perspective. Alter – European Journal of Disability research, 10(2): 124-136.

Lundin, A; Hellström Muhli, U. & Berg, L- E. (2016). Witnessing presence: Swedish care professionals’ experiences of supporting resident’s well-being processes within the frame of residential care homes. Journal of Aging Studies, 37: 1–9. DOI:10.1016/j.jaging.2016.01.001

Milberg, A; Torres, S. &  Ågård, P. (2016). Health care professionals' understandings of cross-cultural interaction in end-of-life care: a focus group study. PLoS ONE,  11(11): e0165452. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0165452

Sépulchre, M., & Lindqvist, R. (2016). Enhancing active citizenship for persons with psychosocial  disabilities. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 18(4): 316–327.

Strandberg, E. L; Brorsson, A; André, M; Gröndal, H; Mölstad, S. & Hedin, K. (2016). Interacting factors associated with Low antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract infections in primary health care–a mixed methods study in Sweden. BMC Family Practice17(1): 78. DOI 10.1186/s12875-016-0494-z

Thunman, E. (2016). Coping with moral stress in the Swedish public services. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 6(3): 59-77. DOI: 10.19154/njwls.v6i3.5528

Torres, S; Ågård, P. & Milberg, A. (2016). The ’Other’ in end-of-life care: care providers on patients with migrant backgrounds. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 37(2): 103-117. DOI: 10.1080/07256868.2016.1141756

Trenholm, J; Olsson, P; Blomqvist, M. & Ahlberg, B M. (2016).The global, the ethnic and the gendered war: women and rape in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography. 23(4): 484-502. 

Articles in peer-reviewed journals (in Swedish):

Alexanderson, K. (2016). Evidensbaserad praktik för lärande och utveckling i välfärdsorganisationer”, i Arkiv. Tidskrift för samhällsanalys, 6: 39–57. DOI:

Carstensen, G. & Dahlberg, L. (2016). En intervjustudie om rättstolkning i domstol. Ny juridik, 4: 107-123

Carstensen, G; Frank, A. & Wide, J.(2016) Leva som man lär? En studie av spänningsfältet mellan genusvetande och genusgöranden. Sociologisk forskning, 54(4): 397-419.

Gröndal, H. (2016). Iscensättanden av halsfluss: relationella göranden av en sjukdom i medicinska praktiker. Sociologisk forskning 53.3: 247-270.

Willander, E. & Blåde, N. (2016). Svenska kyrkan och dess prästers tro. Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift. 92: 50-64.

PhD Thesis by members of Welfare Research Group:

Flinkfeldt, M. (2016). Legitimacy Work: Managing Sick Leave Legitimacy in Interaction. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.

Peer-reviewed books (in English) by members of Welfare Research Group:

Karl, U. & Torres, S. (Eds.) (2016). Ageing in Contexts of Migration. Routledge.

Lawrence, S. & Torres, S. (Eds.) (2016). Older People and Migration: Challenges for Social Work. Routledge.

Book chapters in peer-reviewed books (in English) by members of Welfare Research Group:

Bradby, H. (2016). Medical migration and the global politics of equality. In A. Whitehead; A. Woods; S. Atkinson, J. Macnaughton & J. Richards. (Ed). The Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical Humanities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.                         

Bradby, H. & Torres, S. (2016). Public policy, immigrant experiences, and health outcomes in Sweden. In D. Raphael (Ed). Immigration, Public Policy, and Health: Newcomer Experiences in Developed Nations. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.

Forssell, E. & Torres, S. (2016). Social work, older people and migration: an overview of the situation in Sweden. In S. Lawrence & S. Torres (Eds). Older People and Migration: Challenges for Social Work. Routledge.

Mäkinen, IH (2016). Social dimensions of suicide. In Wasserman, D. (Ed.). Suicide – an Unnecessary Death. London: Oxford University Press.

Phillimore, J. & Bradby, H. (2016). Public policy, immigrant experiences, and health outcomes in theUnited Kingdom. In D. Raphael (Ed). Immigration, Public Policy and Health: Newcomer Experiences in Developed Nations Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.

Torres, S &. Karl, U. & (2016). A migration lens on inquiries into aging, old age, elderly care: carving a space while assessing the state of affairs. In Karl, U. & Torres, S. (Eds.) Aging in Contexts of Migration. Routledge.

Torres, S. (21016). At the intersection between an elderly care regime and a migration regime: The Swedish case as an example. In Karl, U. & Torres, S. (Eds.) Aging in Contexts of Migration. Routledge.

Book chapters (in Swedish) by members of Welfare Research Group:

Lindqvist, R. (2016). Funktionshinder – en bakgrund. In Johansson, S. & Taghizadeh Larsson, A. (red.) Förändringsperspektiv på äldreomsorg. Att leva som andra. Malmö: Gleerups.

Lindqvist, R. (2016). Funktionshinder. In Edling C. & Liljeros, F. (red.) Ett delat samhälle – makt, intersektionalitet och social skiktning. Stockholm: Liber.

Willander, E. (2016). Svenska medborgare i världen. In Sandberg, A. (ed.) Nyckeln till Svenska Kyrkan. Svenska kyrkan: Uppsala.

Willander, E. (2016). Ung ledare i Svenska kyrkan: En fråga för alla? In Sandberg, A. (ed.) Nyckeln till Svenska Kyrkan. Svenska kyrkan: Uppsala.

Willander, E. (2016). Religion efter migration. In Solevid, M. (ed.) Svenska utlandsröster. The Institute for Society, Opinion and Media: Gothenburg.

Reports (in English) by members of Welfare Research Group:

Bradby, H. & Brand. T. (2016). Dimensions of Diversity: Terminology in Health Research. IRiS Working Paper Series, No. 12/2016

Burns, T.R. & Hall, P. (2016). The Social Power Paradigm: Causalities, Mechanisms, and Constructions in the Perspective of Systems Theory. CIES e-Working Paper 206/2016, ISSN 1647-0893. Lisbon, Portugal (peer reviewed)

Roberts, H. & Bradby, H. et al. (2016). Moving on: Transitions of Care Leavers who arrive with  naccompanied Child Migrants. Child Policy Research Unit Briefing Paper for the Department of  Health, University College London.

Roberts, H; Bradby, H. et al. (2016). Moving on: Transitions of Care Leavers with a Learning Disability. Child Policy Research Unit Briefing Paper for the Department of Health, University College London

Reports (in Swedish) by members of Welfare Research Group:

Ahmadi, F; Ahmadi, N. & Palm, I. (2016). Mångfaldsbarometern 2016. Högskolan i Gävle.

Björktomta, S-B.  & Eriksson, L. (2016). Barn i fattiga familjer – risk- och sårbarhetsfaktorer samt skyddande faktorer. FoU-forskningsrapport 2016:2. Sollentuna: FoU Nordväst. 

Björktomta, S-B. & Arnsvik, A. (2016). Socialt arbete – i rörelse. FoU-forskningsrapport 2016:4. Sollentuna FoU Nordväst. 

Thunman, E., Persson, M. & Lovén, J. (2016). Nationell kartläggning av svenska lärares (åk 7-9) användning av sociala medier. Uppsala: Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Sociologiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet.

Winqvist, M; Magnusson, L; Beijer, U; Göransson, S; Takter, M; Tomazic, D. & Hanson, E. (2016). Stöd till anhöriga. Erfarenheter från åtta kommuner 2010-2013. Slutrapport

Winqvist, M. (2016). Individualisering, utvärdering och utveckling av anhörigstöd. Uppdaterad version, Kunskapsöversikt 2016:4, Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga, Kalmar

Winqvist, M. (2016). Uppföljning av arbetet med Samordnad Individuell Plan i Uppsala län, FoU-rapport 2016/1, Regionförbundet Uppsala län, Uppsala

Invited conference presentations (international) by members of Welfare Research Group:

Olaison, A; Torres, S. & Forssell, E. (2016). Documentation in needs assessment practice: the role that foreign-background and gender can play in clienthood construction. (Paper presented at the Invited Symposium on ‘Rethinking aging by the concept of citizenship: critical perspectives on ageing in a changing society’ at the 23rd Nordic Congress of Gerontology, June 19-22, 2016 in Tampere, Finland)

Roberts, H; Liabo, K. & Bradby, H.  et al. (2016). Someone to watch over me: Transitions for young people leaving the care system. (Paper presented at the 8th INRICH Workshop Socioeconomic Crisis and Policies to Protect Children, June 16-17 in Barcelona, Spain).

Roberts, H; Bradby, H.; Manzotti, G; Reeves, R; McKenna, C; Liabo, K. & Ingold, A.  (2016). Moving on: Two transitions studies. (Lecture given on April 14 at University College London: Sandpit, Institute of Child Health).

Torres, S. (2016). A migration/ diversity lens on successful and active aging. (Lecture given at the Plurality of Concepts of Health 1 Conference organized by the Faculty of Medicine & the Institute of Ethics and History of Medicine of the University of Tübingen, October 6-8 in Tübingen, Germany).

Torres, S. (2016). Implementing elderly care policies in the midst of increasing ethno-cultural diversity: the case of Sweden. (Paper presented at the Invited Symposium on ‘Aging Policies and Quality of Life’ at the 23rd Nordic Congress of Gerontology, June 19-22, 2016 in Tampere, Finland).

Torres, S. (2016). Expanding our imagination on care through aging and migration-informed studies. (Plenary lecture given at the international conference organized by the TRANSFAM project entitled ‘Troubling times for Europe? Families, migration and politics’, June 3-4, 2016 in Krakow, Poland).

Submitted conference presentations (international) by members of Welfare Research Group:

Blomgren Mannerheim, A; Hellström Muhli, U. & Siouta, E. (2016). Parents’ experiences of caring responsibility for their adult child with schizophrenia. (Paper presented at the 3rd ISA- Forum of Sociology July 10-14 in Vienna, Austria).

Borisova, L.V. (2016). Determinants of objective and subjective health in East and West Europe. (Paper presented at 16th Biennial congress of the European Society for Health and Medical Sociology, 27-29 June in Geneva, Switzerland).

Bradby, H. (2016). Professional priorities and public health for women arriving to Scandinavia from Somalia. (Paper presented at the Nordic Africa Days conference, 23rd – 24th September in Uppsala, Sweden).

Bradby, H. (2016). International medical migration. (Paper presented at the Medical Humanities Workshop organized by the Department for the History of Ideas. 14th April at Uppsala University, Sweden).

Bradby, H; Humphris, H; Newall, D. & Phillimore, J.  (2016). Refugees and asylum seekers in the European Region – reviewing the research evidence.’ (Paper presented at the 6th European Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health EUPHA conference ‘Equity – the Policy Practice Gap in Health, 23rd- 25th¨June in Oslo, Norway).

Burns, T; Machado, N; Corte, U. & Walker, A. (2016). The architecture and contributions of actor-system-dynamics: Applications to social science conceptualization and to societal problems. (Paper presented at the 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, July 10-14 in Vienna, Austria).

Duntava, A; Makinen I.H. & Borisova, L.V. (2016). The different aspects of health: relations between mortality, morbidity, functional status and self-rated health. (Paper presented at 16th Biennial congress of the European Society for Health and Medical Sociology, 27-29 June in Geneva, Switzerland

Flinkfeldt, M. (2016). "I want to get back there, but it's too soon": Displays of long-term sickness beneficiaries' 'wants' to return to work. (Paper presented at the 4th Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction, November 23-25 in Oslo, Norway).

Gröndal, H. (2016). The Microbiopolitics of the Mundane Bacterium: Part of the Normal Flora or Flesh-Eating Enemy (Paper presented in 4S/EASST Conference, 31 August–3 September in Barcelona Spain).

Iversen, C. (2016). Safety last? Raising issues of risk behavior in medical treatment consultations (Paper presented at the 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, July 10-14 in Vienna, Austria).

Iversen, C. (2016). Expertise and experience in medical traffic risk assessment (Paper presented at the 4th Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction, November 23-25 in Oslo, Norway).

Johansson, R. & Hellström Muhli, U. (2016). Developing care professionals: Possible ramifications of professional projects within Swedish Disability care Services. (Distributed paper presented at the 3rd ISA- Forum of Sociology, July 10-14 in Vienna, Austria).

Machado, N. & Burns, T. R. (2016). The sustainability revolution: sustainability as a down-to-earth utopia. Paper presented at the Conference Utopia and Globalization. Congresso  Internacional do Espirito Santo, 14 -15 September in Lisbon, Portugal.

Mäkinen IH & Borisova LV. Suicide Attempts among Turkish Migrants to Europe. (Paper presented at the Turkish Migration Conference, July 12-16 in Vienna, Austria).

Olaison, A; Torres, S. & Forssell, E. (2016). Categorization in documentation practices: the role that gender and background can play in the clientization of older people in social work case files (Paper presented at the 6th European Conference for Social Work Research, March 30-April 1 in Lisbon, Portugal).

Saferstein, B., Hellström Muhli, U. & Siouta, E. (2016). Effects of clinician-guided communication formats on elderly patients’ authority and understanding in consultations. (Poster presented at The 14th International Communication, Medicine and Ethics Conference (COMET) at Aalborg University, hosted by Danish Institute of Humanities and Medicine (DIHM).

Sépulchre, M. (2016). Blogging to claim rights and challenge the ideal of citizenship: the case of Swedish disabled people (Paper presented at the 8th Disability Studies Conference, September 6-8 in Lancaster, UK)

Sépulchre, M. (2016). Citizenship in action: Swedish disabled people claim ‘Full Participation. Now'. (Paper presented at the 5th Annual Conference of Alter, June 30- July 1 in Stockholm, Sweden).

Sépulchre, M. (2016). Imagining Citizenship: Swedish Disabled People Claim ‘Full Participation. Now’. (Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference in Citizenship Studies, March 31-April 2 in Detroit, USA)

Torres, S (2016). Theorizing about ethnicity and old age: expanding the gerontological imagination.  (Paper presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology, July 6-8 in Stirling, Scotland).

Torres, S. (2016). Active/ Successful aging policies and the migration lens. (Paper presented at the 13th IMISCOE Annual Conference, June 30-July 2 in Prague, Czech Republic.)

Walker, A. & Burns, T. (2016). How the theory of collective consciousness reveals gaps and dilemmas in International Gender Law. (Paper presented at the 3rd ISA- Forum of Sociology, July 10-14 in Vienna, Austria).

Willander, E. (2016). Theories of the middle range” approach to Nordic church statistics. (Paper presented at the 23rd Nordic conference for the Sociology of Religion, 17-19 of August in Helsinki, Finland.)

Willander, E. (2016). United by faith? Three directions of interpretation among priests in the Church of Sweden. (Paper based on analysis conducted together with Niclas Blåder and presented at the 23rd Nordic conference for the Sociology of Religion, 17-19 of August in Helsinki, Finland).

Invited conference presentations (national; in Swedish) by members of Welfare Research Group:

Björktomta, S-B. (2016). Hedersrelaterat våld – ett komplext socialt problemområde. (Föreläsning vid Utbildningsdag om hedersrelaterat förtryck och våld, arrangerad av Tjejjouren i Örebro, 3 mars, Örebro, Sverige).

Björktomta, S-B. (2016). Barn i fattiga familjer – risk- och sårbarhetsfaktorer samt skyddande faktorer. (Föreläsning för Social-och äldrenämnden i Upplands Väsby kommun, 16 november, Upplands Väsby, Sverige).

Björktomta, S-B. (2016). Barn i fattiga familjer – risk- och sårbarhetsfaktorer samt skyddande faktorer. (Föreläsning vid Releaseparty av forskningsrapporter från FoU Nordväst, 22 november, Sollentuna, Sverige).

Hamed, S. & Bradby, H. (2016). Litteraturstudie om hälsobehov samt tandvårdsbehov bland asylsökande barn. (Presentation vid Barn i asylprocess – nya utmaningar i tandvården. Svenska pedodontitföreningens fokusdag, 22nd September i Stockholm, Sverige).

Willander, E. (2016). Är sekulariseringen en myt? (Presentation vid Svenska religionsvetarmötet, 29-30 september i Södertörn Universitet).

Submitted conference presentations (national; in Swedish):

Carstensen, G. (2016). Det fyrkantiga staketet: en sociologisk studie av rättstolkning (Presentation vid Sociologidagarna, Mars 10-12 i Uppsala, Sverige).

Flinkfeldt, M. (2016). Sånt som mammor gör: Aspekter av moderskap i sjukskrivningsinteraktion (Presentation vid Sociologidagarna, Mars 10-12 i Uppsala, Sverige).

Hamed, S. & Bradby, H. (2016). Racism in the Swedish healthcare system: Findings from the UPWEB project. (Presentation vid Rasism-forskningens Utmaningar’ för Forum för multidiscplinär forskning om racism, 23-24 November i Uppsala, Sverige).

Kania-Lundholm, M. (2016). Rejecting digital technology in the age of cool capitalism. (Presentation vid Sociologidagarna, Mars 10-12 i Uppsala, Sverige).

Sépulchre, M. (2016). Rejecting second-class citizenship: Swedish disabled people claim ‘Full Participation. Now'. (Presentation vid Sociologidagarna), Mars 10-12 i Uppsala, Sweden).

Willander, E. (2016). Utlandssvenskar och religion. (Presentation vid Sociologidagarna, Mars 10-12 i  Uppsala, Sverige).

