Publications 2022


Peer-reviewed articles (in English) authored by Welfare research group members (member names underlined when co-authored):

Bradby H, Hamed S, Thapar-Björkert S. & Ahlberg B. M. (2022). ‘You are still a guest in this country!’ Understanding racism through the concepts of hospitality and hostility in healthcare encounters in SwedenSociology.

Bruze, G. & von Essen, E. (2022) Changing property rights in the Family: Evidence From an Inheritance ReformJournal of Law and Economics. 

Engwall, K. (2022). Online activities for individuals with intellectual disabilities at day centre in the wake of COVID-19British Journal of Learning Disabilities 

Flinkfeldt, M., Iversen, C., Jørgensen, S., Monteiro, D., Wilkins, D. (2022) Conversation analysis in social work research: A scoping review. Qualitative Social Work, 21(6): 1011–1042.

Grimell, J. & Holmberg, M. (2022). Identifying and mapping professional identities among Swedish ambulance nurses: A multiple qualitative case studyTheory & Psychology, 32(5), 714-732. 

Grimell, J, & Bradby, H. (2022). The dynamics of spiritual care among Swedish hospital chaplains: Approaching the future in the presentHealth and Social Care Chaplaincy, 10(1), 9-26. 

Hamed S, Ahlberg B. M, Thapar Björkert S. & Bradby H. (2022) ‘Racism in healthcare: a scoping review.’ BMC Public Health. 22: 988.

Iversen, C. & Westerlund, M. (2022) Users’ perspectives on crisis helplines in relation to professional mental health servicesCrisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention. Advance online publication. 

Iversen, C. Flinkfeldt, M., Tuncer, S. & Laurier, E. (2022) The uses of small talk in social work: Weather as a resource for pursuing institutional tasks. Qualitative Social Work, 21(6): 1043-1062.

Kevoe-Feldman, H. & Iversen, C. (2022). Approaching institutional boundaries: Comparative conversation analysis of practices for assisting suicidal callers in emergency and suicide helpline calls, Journal of Pragmatics, 191: 83-97.

Karlsson, H. (2022). Sex work policy worldwide: A scoping teview. Sexuality & Culture, 26, 2288-2310.

Kwesiga D, Eriksson L, Garimoi C. O., Tawiah C, Imam M A, Fisker A. B, Enuameh Y, Lawn J. E., Blencowe H, Waiswa P, Bradby H. & Malqvist M. (2022). ‘Adverse pregnancy outcome disclosure and women’s social networks: a qualitative multi-country study with implications for improved reporting in surveys.’ BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 22: 292.

Lindblom, J. & Torres, S. (2022). Othering in media representations of elderly care: using the social justice framework to make sense of public discourses on migrants and culture Social Policy and Society 21(2): 275-291.  

Liuski, T. & Grimell, J. (2022). The professional competence of the Finnish and Swedish military chaplains in divergent operational environments: An international comparisonReligion, Worldviews, and Education, 2(1), 74-96. 

Papoutsi A, Phillimore J, Vaughan C, Goodson L. & Bradby H. (2022).  ‘Geographies of shame: diachronic and transnational shame in forced migrants with experiences of sexual and gender-based violence.’ Journal of Refugee Studies.

Phillimore J, Block K, Bradby H, Saime Ozcurumez S. & Papoutsi A. (2022). ‘Forced migration, sexual and gender-based violence and integration: effects, risks and protective factors.’ Journal of International Migration and Integration.

Piil Damm A., von Essen E, Jæger Jensen, A., Kerrn-Jespersen, F., van Mastrigt, Sarah. (2022). Duration of mentoring relationship predicts child well-being: Evidence from a Danish community-based mentoring programInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Mar 2;19(5):2906. 

Books & book chapters (in English) authored by Welfare research group members (names underlined):

Bradby H. (2022). Ethnicity. In L. F Monaghan & J. Gabe. Key Concepts in Medical Sociology 3rd edition London: Sage. pp 24-30

Donnelly, S. & Torres, S. (2022). Social work and critical gerontology: why the former needs the latter. In S. Torres & S. Donnelly (eds). Critical Gerontology for Social Workers. Bristol: Policy Press.

Grimell, J. (2022). The Invisible Wounded Warriors in a Nation at Peace: An Interview Study on the Lives of Swedish Veterans of Foreign Conflicts and their Experiences with PTSD, Moral injuries, and Military Identities. Zürich: Lit Verlag.

Grimell, J. (2022). After so much is invested in creating robust military identities, what about the construction of fulfilling civilian identities after service? In D. Schmitz Wortmeyer (Ed.), Deep Loyalties: Values in Military Lives (A volume in advances of cultural psychology: Constructing Human Development) (s. 191-210). Charlotte, N.C: Information Age Publications.

Redmalm, D., Persson, M. & Iversen, C. (2022). Robotic animals in dementia care: Conceptions of animality and humanity in care organizations. The Oxford Handbook of Animal Organization Studies. In L. Tallberg & L. Hamilton (eds.) Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Torres, S. (2022). Ethnicity, race and migrancy. In S. Torres & S. Donnelly (eds). Critical Gerontology for Social Workers. Bristol: Policy Press.

Torres, S. & Donnelly, S. (Eds) (2022). Critical Gerontology for Social Workers. Bristol: Policy Press

Books & book chapters (in Swedish) authored by Welfare research group members (names underlined):

Flinkfeldt, M. & Iversen, C. (2022). Samtal i socialt arbete: En introduktion. Samtal i socialt arbete: Ett samtalsanalytiskt perspektiv, I: Iversen, C. & Flinkfeldt M. (red), Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB, s. 15-24.

Flinkfeldt, M., Tegler, H. & Iversen, C. (2022). Avslutning: Samtalsanalytiska insikter och hur de kan användas inom socialt arbete. I: Iversen, C. & Flinkfeldt M. (red), Samtal i socialt arbete: Ett samtalsanalytiskt perspektiv, Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB, s. 183-194.

Höglund, F., & Flinkfeldt, M. (2022). Ett inkluderande språk: Kön och sexualitet i svar på klienters e-postfrågor. I C. Iversen., & M. Flinkfeldt (Eds.), Samtal i socialt arbete: Ett samtalsanalytiskt perspektiv Malmö: Gleerups, s. 83-96.

Iversen, C. (2022) Att ge ett annat perspektiv: hjälplinjesamtal om självmordstankar. I Iversen, C. & Flinkfeldt (red) Samtal i socialt arbete: ett samtalsanalytiskt perspektiv. Stockholm: Gleerups.

Iversen, C. (2022). Mellan kunskap och förståelse: Intervjuer med våldsutsatta barn., I: Iversen, C. & Flinkfeldt M. (red), Samtal i socialt arbete: Ett samtalsanalytiskt perspektiv Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB, s. 69-81.

Iversen, C., Flinkfeldt, M. (2022). Samtalsanalys. I: Iversen, C. & Flinkfeldt M. (red. Samtal i socialt arbete: Ett samtalsanalytiskt perspektiv, Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB, s. 25-47.

Iversen, C. & Flinkfeldt, M (2022). Samtal i socialt arbete: ett samtalsanalytiskt perspektiv. Stockholm: Gleerups.

Popular scientific contributions (in Swedish) authored by Welfare research group members (names underlined):

Knechtel, M; Olaison, A. & Torres, S. (2022). Att dokumentera eller inte dokumentera inom äldre­omsorgen. Äldre i Centrum ( #1/ 2022.

Persson, M., Redmalm, D. & Iversen, C. (2022) Robotisering och arbetslivets omorganisering. Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, 27: 72-78 2021.

Ågård, P. & Torres, S. (2022). Samhällsengagemang för marginaliserade grupper. Äldre i Centrum ( #1/ 2022.

Conference presentations (in English) authored by Welfare research group members (names underlined):

Flinkfeldt, M., & Höglund, F. (2022). Gender and policy-in-action in social insurance encounters. Presentation given at the 4th Street-level Bureaucracy Conference, held in 14-16 June at Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Höglund, F. (2022). Planning for an uncertain future: Advice giving in digital welfare encounters. Presentation given at the conference Sociologidagarna, held in 16-18 March at Uppsala University.

Höglund, F., & Flinkfeldt, M. (2022). New perspectives on street-level bureaucracy: Using naturally occurring interaction to study digital frontline work. Presentation given at the 4th Street-level Bureaucracy Conference, held in 14-16 June at Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Iversen, C. & Kevoe-Feldman, H. (2022) Negotiating reality and myth about suicide risk: Making a case that someone else is suicidal in crisis helpline and emergency calls. Myths and Realities of the Nordic Welfare State. 30th Nordic Sociological Association Conference. University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 10–12 August 2022.

Iversen, C., Persson, M. & Redmalm, D. (2022) Meow! Is it alive?: Using multimodal conversation analysis to examine activities with social robots in dementia care. Myths and Realities of the Nordic Welfare State. 30th Nordic Sociological Association Conference. University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 10–12 August 2022.

Mullins, E., Symonds, J., Iversen, C., Marie, F., Jørgensen, S. et al. (2022). Examining Inclusion in Social Work Interactions: Contributions of Conversation Analysis. ECSWR 2022: 11th European Conference for Social Work Research.

Serrat, R; Torres, S; Nyqvist, F; Dury, S. & Näsman, N. (2022). Civic engagement among older migrants in Europe: A SHARE-based analysis. Paper presented by R. Serrat at the 51st Conference of the British Gerontological Society, July 6-8, ONLINE.

Torres, S. (2022). Ethnicity, race and migrancy: advancing the gerontological imagination in theoretically-astute ways. (PLENARY address for the 51st Conference of the British Gerontological Society, July 6-8, ONLINE)

Torres, S. (2022). Meet the editors of Ageing & Society: Top 10 tips on how to write for publication in a peer-reviewed journal and do ad-hoc reviews (Lecture given at the 51st Conference of the British Gerontological Society, July 6-8, ONLINE)

Torres, S. (2022). Publishing in international peer-reviewed journals: understanding why could help you figure out how. Paper presented at 22nd World Congress of the Int’l. Association of Gerontology & Geriatrics, June 12-16, 2022, ONLINE.

Torres, S. (2022). Networks and resources for socio-behavioral research on aging & old age: European investments that extend beyond this continent. Paper presented at 22nd World Congress of the Int’l. Association of Gerontology & Geriatrics, June 12-16, 2022, ONLINE.

Torres, S. (2022). Making sense of ethnicity, race and migrancy: managing diversity in a client-centered way. Paper presented at the 26th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, June 8-10 in Odense, Denmark

Torres, S; Serrat, R; Nyqvist, F; Dury, S. & Näsman, N. (2022). Civic engagement among older migrants in Europe: A SHARE-based analysis. Paper presented at the 26th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, June 8-10 in Odense, Denmark, at 22nd World Congress of the Int’l. Association of Gerontology & Geriatrics, June 12-16, 2022, ONLINE as well as at the 19th IMISCOE Conference, June 29-July 1 in Oslo, Norway.

Conference presentations (in Swedish) authored by Welfare research group members (names underlined):

Engwall, K. (2022)Vipeholms sjukhus 1935-1963. Ett diskussionsunderlag”. Paper presenterat vid Svenska funktionshindernätverket. 19-20 maj 2022 Malmö.

