Publications 2023


Articles in Anonymous Peer-reviewed Journals (in English) by Welfare Research Group Members (names underlined):

Babor T, Tsiboukli A, Hellman M, Bahji A (2023) Ways to get a more balanced gender representation in addiction journals’ management and workforce. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 40(6): 560-567

Bahner, J; Gäddman Johansson, R, & Svanelöv, E. (2024). Who counts as a sexual subject? The impact of ableist rhetoric for people with intellectual disability in Sweden. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 21(1):161-176.

Bradby, H, Papoutsi, A., Akyuz, S., Hoayda Darkal, H. & Phillimore, J. (2023). ‘Something is (still) missing: Feminist services for forced migrants surviving sexual and gender-based violence in Sweden, Australia, Turkey and United Kingdom?Women’s Studies International Forum 98. [DOI]

Gal-Rosberg, S. & Zetterqvist Nelson, K. (2023). A network of expertise: On intertwined knowledge in autism spectrum disorder assessment reports. Alter, 17: 87-102.

Jokirinne, N., Hellman, M., Basnet, S., & Koivula, P. (2023). Accurate yet problematic: the divided sentiments regarding brain-based addiction by professionals in the Finnish service system. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 1-11.

Jääskeläinen, P. Hellman, M. & Lindeman, M. (2023) Sports news and stories in the service of gamblification: The Finnish gambling monopoly’s sports-related social media posts. Journal of Gambling Issues.

Hellman, M. (2023) Epistemic projects: what are they and what is their value for sociology? Semiotic review 3.

Hellman, M. (2023). Celebrating 40 years of Nordic collaboration. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 40(6), 14550725231214953.

Hellman M. (2023) Evidence for improving welfare services. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 40(5):421-423. doi:10.1177/14550725231205802

Hellman M. (2023) Yet another alcohol policy experiment in Finland. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2023;40(4):325-326.

Hellman, M. (2023) The importance of debunking constructions. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 40(1): 1–3. DOI: 10.1177/14550725221150346

Karlsson, H. (2023). Reducing sex work by targeting ‘vulnerable’ sex workers: A post-structural analysis of policies regulating Danish exit programmes directed at people involved in sex work. International Journal of Social Welfare, 1-11.

Krzyżnowski, M., Wodak, R., Bradby, H., Gardell, M., Kallis, A., Krzyżanowska, N., Mudde, C. & Rydgren, J. (2023). ‘Discourses and practices of the ‘New Normal’: Towards an interdisciplinary research agenda on crisis and the normalization of anti- and post‑democratic action. Journal of Language and Politics 22(4): 415-437. [DOI]

Odzakovica, E., Karina Huus, K. Maina Ahlberg, B. Bradby, H., Hamed, S., Thapar-Björkert, S. & Björk, M. (2023). ‘Discussing racism within health care: A qualitative study of graduate nursing reflections.’ Open Nurse. [DOI]

Rantala, P., Hellman, M., Alanko, A. (2023) Päihde- ja riippuvuushuollon kipupisteet: Ammattilaisten ja asiantuntijoiden tilannearvio muuttuvasta kentästä: [Sore spots in addiction service provision: professionals' and experts' views on a changing field]. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti 4/2023

Serrat, R; Nyqvist, F; Torres, S; Dury, S. & Näsman, M. (2023). Civic engagement among foreign-born and native-born older adults living in Europe: A SHARE-based analysis. European Journal of Ageing, 20(16).

von Essen, E., & Smith, N. (2023). Network connections and board seats: are female networks less valuable? Journal of Labor Economics, 41(2): 323-360.

Wiebke Hübner, W., Phillimore, J., Bradby, H. & Brand, T. (2023). Assessing the contribution of migration related policies to equity in access to healthcare in European countries. A multilevel analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 321, 115766, [DOI]

Yohannes, K, Berhane, Y, Bradby, H. Herzig van Wees, S. & Målqvist, M. (2023).‘Contradictions hindering the provision of mental healthcare and psychosocial services to women experiencing homelessness in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: service providers’ and programme coordinators’ experiences and perspectives.’ BMC Health Services Research 23 (821) [DOI]

Yohannes, K. Målqvist, M., Bradby, H., Berhane, Y. & Herzig van Wees, S. (2023). Addressing the needs of Ethiopia’s street homeless women of reproductive age in the health and social protection policy: A qualitative study.’ International Journal for Equity in Health 22 (80) [DOI]

Edited Peer-reviewed Books Authored by Welfare Research Group Members:

Torres, S. & Hunter, A. (Eds) (2023). Handbook of Migration and Ageing. Edward Elgar Publishing

Book Chapters in Peer-reviewed Books Authored by Welfare Research Group Members:

Bradby, H. (2023). ‘Ethnicity, racism and health’. In K. Dew & S. Donovan (eds). Encyclopaedia of Health Research in the Social Sciences. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Hamed, S. & Bradby, H. (2023). ‘Research on racism in healthcare’ pp 354–377 in ed) A. Petersen (eds). Handbook of the Sociology of Health and Medicine (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Torres, S. & Hunter, A. (2023). Migration and ageing: the nexus and its backdrop. In Torres, S. & Hunter (eds). Handbook of Migration and Ageing. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Torres, S. (2023). Ethnicity and race. In Torres, S. & Hunter (eds). Handbook of Migration and Ageing. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Torres, S. (2023). Racialization and racism. In Torres, S. & Hunter (eds). Handbook of Migration and Ageing. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Book chapters (in Finnish) authored by member of Welfare Research Group:

Kauppila, E, Hellman, M. , Alanko, A. (2023). "Lupa unelmoida". Lukijoita puhutteleva tarinallinen uutosointi rahapelivoitosta. ["Licence to dream". Addressing audiences in media narratives on gambling wins], pp. 195-219. In: Uusitalo, S. & Arstila, V (2023) Ongelmallinen rahapelaaminen. Näkökulmia rahapelaamisen varjoihin ja tutkimuksen katvealueisiin. [Problematic gambling. Perpectives on the dark sides of gambling and blind spots of gambling research], Turku: Eetos.

Invited Conference Presentations (Keynote & Plenary) by Welfare Research Group Members:

Bradby, H. (2023). ‘What happens to universal healthcare in an age of migration?’ Alexander Von Humboldt lecture program, Radboud University, 21 June.

Bradby, H, (2023). ‘Racism inom hälso-sjukvård’ (Racism in healthcare) a presentation and workshop delivered, by invitation at Uppsala (23 Mar) and Malmö (8 May) branches of the Swedish Red Cross.

Bradby, H. (2023). ‘How can academia apply anti-racist principles to improve equity and diversity?’ Junior Faculty Equity Focus Group Seminar, Karolinska Institute, 31 March.

Hellman, M. (2023) Preventing and Reducing Substance Use-Related Harm in the Welfare State Treading the Path to Human Rights. Gender, Substance Use and Welfare States. Interdisciplinary conference arranged by ROTIN , RIKK, University of Iceland. Reykjavik, Iceland 17–18 OCTOBER 2023 (online keynote)

Hellman, M. (2013) Svensk samverkan i välfärden: en nyinflyttads reflektioner. Nätverksmöte för samverkansforskning, Stockholm 7.11.2023

Torres, S. (2023). Civic engagement in later life: Unleashing the potential of aging societies while expanding the sociological imagination. (KEYNOTE address at the annual conference of the Slovene Sociological Association, October 19-21, Koper, Slovenia).

Torres, S. (2023). Managing everyday life as a research-focused academic. Invited workshop offered as part of the 1st Professional Development Sessions at the 20th World Congress of the International Sociological Association, June 25-July 1, Melbourne, Australia (HYBRID).

Submitted Conference Presentations by Welfare Research Group Members (names underlined):

Cheung, S. Y., Bradby, H., Hamed, S., Phillimore, J. & Brand, T. (2023). ’Experience of subjective discrimination in healthcare service usage in superdiverse areas: evidence in four European countries’ 29th International Conference of Europeanists, Council for Europe, Reykjavik, University of Iceland, 27-29 June

Nyqvist, F; Rodrigo, S; Torres, S; Dury, S. & Näsman, M. (2023). Civic engagement in Europe – a study on volunteering and political participation in native-born and foreign-born older adults. Gerontologia (Finnish gerontologikonferens), February 8-10, Tampere.

Peiró-Milián, I; Ågård, P; Chacur-Kiss, K; Dikmans, B. & Torres, S. (2023). Older migrants and older people living in socially disadvantaged communities’: Perspectives on barriers and enablers to civic engagement. Paper presented at the 20th World Congress of the International Sociological Association, June 25-July 1, Melbourne, Australia (HYBRID).

Serrat, R. & Torres, S. (2023). Exclusion from civic engagement among disadvantaged groups of older adults: Insights from the CIVEX project. Paper presented at the 52nd Conference of the British Gerontological Society, July 5-7 in Norwich, UK.

Torres, S. (2023). Ethnicity in research on older migrants: how the scholarship conceptualizes it and where we need to head. Paper to be presented at the 75th Annual Conference for the Gerontological Society of America, November 8-12 in Tampa, Florida, USA.

Torres, S., Ågård, P. Häkkinen, E., Dikmans, B. Peiro-Milian, I. & Serrat, R. (2023). Civic engagement amongst older migrants in Europe: Examples from four European countries. Paper to be presented at the 75th Annual Conference for the Gerontological Society of America, November 8-12 in Tampa, Florida, USA.

Torres, S. (2023). Racism in research on older migrants and ethno-racial minorities: insights from two scoping reviews. Paper to be presented at the 75th Annual Conference for the Gerontological Society of America, November 8-12 in Tampa, Florida, USA.

Torres, S. (2023). Experiences of inequality amongst older migrants: what a migrancy-informed agenda for old age inequality research could offer. Paper presented at the 52nd Conference of the British Gerontological Society, July 5-7 in Norwich, UK.

Torres, S; Ågård, P; Dikmans, B; Peiró-Milián, I; Häkkinen, E. & Serrat, R. (2023). Experiences of civic engagement amongst older people living in socially disadvantaged areas: Examples from four countries. Paper presented at the 52nd Conference of the British Gerontological Society, July 5-7 in Norwich, UK.

