Workshop on cultural intelligence (CQ)

  • Date: 21 September 2023, 10:15–12:30
  • Location: Zoom
  • Type: Workshop
  • Lecturer: Charlotta Öberg from PRISMA Cross-Cultural Consultants
  • Web page
  • Organiser: Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Contact person: Louise Hernander

The committees for education at the medical and pharmaceutical faculties (GRUNK, GRUFF and KUF) organise workshops on cultural intelligence. On 21 September 2023, it is time for a workshop for domain teachers, supervisors, PhD students and administrative staff.

Cultural intelligence is crucial in our internationalized world. The ability to function in multicultural contexts has been shown to have a positive impact on the success of individuals, the creativity of working groups and the profitability of organizations. This course will give you tools to manage cultural differences when working and when studying.

Teachers, PhD students and supervisors at the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy are invited to a morning workshop on cultural intelligence led by Charlotta Öberg from PRISMA Cross-Cultural Consultants. She is an expert on cultural diversity and intercultural communication and an internationally sought-after lecturer on the subject.

The Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy is a multicultural environment. The composition of our master’s and PhD training programmes is very international and many of the undergraduate programmes have a high proportion of students with a foreign background. At the same time, investments are being made in internationalization on several levels at the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy. Both student and staff mobility is predicted to increase, with more international experiences as a result, and the number of internationalization activities at home is steadily increasing.

To prepare the staff and students for the challenges and opportunities of increased internationalization, we offer an evidence-based method for developing cultural intelligence (CQ – cultural intelligence). Successfully managing cultural differences and cultivating the positive effects of cultural diversity in the workplace is becoming increasingly important as workplaces and societies become more multicultural.

In 2019–2022, the Faculty of Medicine arranged appreciated CQ workshops with Charlotta Öberg from PRISMA Cross-Cultural Consultants. She is an expert on cultural diversity and intercultural communication and an internationally sought-after lecturer on the subject. The workshops were held for both the staff and Master’s students. The initiative was successful and the ambition is therefore to continue, so that even more students and staff will have the opportunity to complete the training.

