Workshop on sustainable entrepreneurship education

  • Date: 28 March 2022, 12:00–16:00
  • Location: Uppsala University Segerstedt Building room Nornan 00 207 and Uppsala University Campus Gotland room C20
  • Type: Workshop
  • Lecturer: Ulrika Persson-Fischier, Shepherd Urenje, Emma Folmer and Tom Long
  • Organiser: Uppsala universitet och University of Groningen
  • Contact person: Ewa Jonsson

Workshop co-organized by Uppsala University, Sweden, and the University of Groningen, Netherlands.

- What competencies are needed for sustainable entrepreneurship?                          
- How do we best teach sustainable entrepreneurship?
- How can students become change agents for a better future?

Please join teachers and researchers at Uppsala and Groningen in the development of state-of-the-art methods for teaching sustainable entrepreneurship. We will present an overview of the literature in the field and propose a teaching module for discussion. Learn about the results and key insights from our review of sustainable entrepreneurship education research and practice. 

When: 28 March 10:00–14:00

Where: Uppsala University Segerstedt Building room Nornan 00 207 and Uppsala University Campus Gotland room C20


10:00 Welcome and introduction
10:10 Presentation of literature report
10:40 Panel discussion of literature report
11:30 -- LUNCH* --
12:30 Presentation of teaching module
12:50 Roundtable discussions
13:50 Summary and closing

The invited panelists are experts from Founded in Friesland, Circular Friesland, and the University of Groningen Centre for Entrepreneurship (UGCE), Netherlands. The practitioners and experts will discuss our findings in relation to wider education and training in the context of the sustainability transition. Our literature report is found here.

As we want to consider your input as practitioners and experts in the field, you are invited to submit questions for the panel via the registration form or live during the workshop. We are also looking forward to hearing your view of the teaching module to be proposed; the roundtable discussions will take place in Swedish or English.

Register to attend the workshop.

The workshop is free of charge, but please note that the number of places is limited; registration will be on a first come, first served basis.

* Lunch sandwich is included.


Ulrika Persson-Fischier, Uppsala University and
Emma Folmer and Tom Long, University of Groningen,
in collaboration with Uppsala University’s Division for internationalisation.

Find out more about the TES project.

