Docentship lecture: Magnetism - quantum origins and modelling
- Date: 15 November 2023, 10:00–10:45
- Location: Ångström Laboratory, Siegbahnsalen
- Type: Docent trial lecture
- Lecturer: Dr. rer. nat. Vladislav Borisov
- Organiser: Division of Materials Theory, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Contact person: Vladislav Borisov
The Department of Physics and Astronomy hereby invite all interested to a docentship lecture in subject Magnetic Materials.
Chairperson: Professor Olle Eriksson
Representative of the Docentship Committee: Professor Stephan Pomp
Zoom: (Passcode: 500253)
Abstract: Magnetic materials have been known to the humankind since the ancient history, and the lodestone, used in the first compasses, is probably the earliest example. Nowadays, magnets have numerous applications in energy conversion, sensors, actuators, transportation, and information technologies. Discovery of new magnetic materials with various functionalities is important and requires a fundamental understanding of magnetism in solid state systems.
In this lecture, the first part will be focused on why magnets are magnetic at all and how different types of magnetic interactions emerge leading to a large variety of magnetic orders observed in known materials. Here, the quantum nature of magnetism will be emphasized. In the second part, theoretical methods for modelling magnetic phenomena on different length scales based on material-specific effective models will be explained on the examples of several interesting systems from contemporary research literature.
The lecture is an obligatory teaching test for those applying for admittance as docent and it should be possible for students and others with basic academic education in the relevant field to follow it. The lecture lasts 40-45 minutes with subsequent discussion. The lecture will be given in English.