The Faculty of Science and Technology’s Inaugural lectures

  • Date: 15 November 2023, 09:15–14:00
  • Location: University Main Building, Lecture Hall IX
  • Type: Lecture
  • Organiser: The Faculty of Science and Technology

The Faculty of Science and Technology’s new professors give their Inaugural lectures. The lectures can be attended in person or via livestream.

A link to the live streamed lectures:


09:15 Introduction by Professor Charlotte Platzer Björkman, dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Carlos Pérez de los Heros: Neutrino astrofysik från Sydpolen: ett nytt fönster mot universum.

Jaroslaw Majka: Rare Earth Elements phosphate minerals: critical raw materials for modern society.

Robert Eriksson: Framtidens elsystem: Resan mot hållbar elförsörjning.

Wei Xia: Ceramics: How We Can Make a Difference for People.

10:40 BREAK

11:00 Mario Vallejo-Marin: Evolution of flowers and their buzz-pollinating bees.

Lina von Sydow: Beräkningsvetenskap löser alla problem – från ismodellering till optionsprissättning.

Matteo Magnani: Social nätverksanalys i en era av big data och artificiell intelligens.


13:00 Mohamed Faouzi Atig: Verification of Computer Systems.

Göran Ericsson: Cybersäkra elkraftsystem - finns de?

The lectures are given as part of the Inauguration week which ends with the Inauguration of Professors 17 November in the Grand Auditorium 15.00.


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