Docentship lecture: Higher Symmetry in Algebra and Geometry

  • Date: 22 November 2023, 15:15–16:15
  • Location: Ångströmlaboratoriet, room 2005 and Zoom
  • Type: Lecture
  • Lecturer: Seidon Alsaody
  • Organiser: Department of Mathematics
  • Contact person: Seidon Alsaody

The Department of Mathematics hereby invites all interested to a docentship lecture in subject Mathematics. Lecturer: Seidon Alsaody. Title: Högre symmetri i algebra och geometri [Higher Symmetry in Algebra and Geometry]


A fundamental principle in algebra and geometry is to seek to understand objects by studying their symmetries. Already on an intuitive level we can understand that a circle has more rotational symmetry than a triangle. The study of symmetries in algebra and geometry has been expanded to more and more general objects in higher dimensions. In algebraic geometry, this has led to the study of algebraic groups, which today is an active research area with many applications. I will give a glimpse into what these groups look like and how they describe everything from the symmetries you meet in linear algebra to the exceptional symmetries that are the objects of my research.

The lecture is an obligatory teaching test for those applying for admittance as docent and it should be possible for students and others with basic academic education in the relevant field to follow it. The lecture lasts 40-45 minutes with subsequent discussion. The lecture will be given in Swedish.

Chairperson: Professor Volodymyr Mazorchuk

Representative of the Docentship Committee: Professor Di Yuan

Participate on site or via Zoom link (meeting ID: 64719905042 and passcode symmetri)

