Öppna workshops om elfordon
- Date: 23 November 2023, 14:15–16:15
- Type: Workshop
- Organiser: Department of Electrical Engineering, Division of Electricity
- Contact person: Jennifer Leijon
Welcome to two open workshops about electric vehicles! All interested are welcome to join these open workshops. No previous experience in working in the area is needed.
Please register to the workshops no later than 17 November.
The outline of each workshop is this: an overview of the project, discussions on three relevant questions, initial results from the project, future research and our additional thoughts.
Workshop 1: Electric vehicle batteries and the charging strategy.
Research project: Laddningsstrategins inverkan på elbilens batterisystem (LIEB), (eng.: The impact of charging strategies on the electric car’s battery system), funded by the Swedish Energy Agency.
Questions to discuss at Workshop 1:
1. How can the electric vehicle batteries be affected by the charging strategies, and what are the challenges and opportunities?
2. What are the future charging strategies for the electric car batteries?
3. How can the vehicle batteries be designed, charged or reused to support sustainability in the transportations system?
Literature for Workshop 1 for interested (but not necessary to read for
participation): https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590116819300050
A short break.
Workshop 2: Electric aircraft and charging at airports.
Research project: Interregional Perspectives on Infrastructure Investment Optimization for Flight Electrification and Decarbonization (iFED) funded by the Resilient Competence Centre.
Questions to discuss at Workshop 2:
1. How could the future aviation be electrified and how would the future travelling be different from today?
2. What is needed for a sustainable future aviation, and what are the opportunities and challenges?
3. What kind of infrastructure is needed at the airports to enable an electric aircraft, such as charging infrastructure?
Literature for Workshop 2 for interested (but not necessary to read for
participation): https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306261923013107?via%3Dihub