Dynamics of Titan’s ionosphere and plasma interactions as observed by Cassini

  • Date: 1 February 2024, 10:15–12:00
  • Location: Ångström Laboratory, 80127
  • Type: Licentiate seminar
  • Lecturer: Konstantin Kim
  • Organiser: IRF
  • Contact person: Konstantin Kim

Main supervisor: Dr. Niklas J.T. Edberg, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala External reviewer: Dr. Yoshifumi Futaana, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna

Titan is one of the most studied moons of the Solar system and the largest moon of Saturn. With the Voyager 1 Titan flyby and the following Cassini 127 flybys, Titan’s plasma environment has been extensively studied in-situ from 1980 until 2017. However, there are still many questions to address on the physics of this system. In this thesis, we focus on the dynamics of Titan’s plasma environment and its interaction with the ambient environment. The ionized part of the atmosphere of Titan - the ionosphere - is of interest as it is a key to understanding the dynamic electromagnetic coupling of Titan’s and Saturn’s plasma environments. We mainly use Cassini’s measurements of plasma properties and the magnetic field in Titan’s ionosphere and local plasma environment. The licentiate is based on a material of paper I and paper II (draft).

