Co-creation workshops on pedagogical development for sustainability and transformative learning

  • Date: 5 June 2024, 12:00–16:30
  • Type: Workshop
  • Web page
  • Organiser: SWEDESD
  • Contact person: Eva Friman

Welcome to two Co-creation workshops on pedagogical development for sustainability and transformative learning. Workshop 1: 20 March 2024 in Uppsala. Workshop 2: 5 June 2024 in Uppsala. Registrations are now open! Please sign up for the workshops no later than 29 February 2024

Target groups

The workshops are aimed at lecturers, researchers and students with a strong interest in pedagogy with sustainability focus and their students, who together with others want to explore new ways of developing their teaching and learning as well as co-create innovative pedagogical practice that can strengthen transformative learning.

The workshop participants are expected to be program/course coordinators, lecturers or educational leaders who have experience and interest in pedagogical development from one or several Master’s programs with sustainability orientation at Uppsala University, and their students.

Overview of the workshops

Two workshops will be held in Uppsala on 20 March and 5 June 2024 respectively. Each workshop will start at 12:00 and finish at 16:30, including lunch and coffee breaks. Participants are encouraged to attend both workshops to create continuity.

The workshops build on SWEDESD’s long-standing research on transformative learning and co-creation for societal transformation. They are organized within the framework of SWEDESD’s Co-Creation Lab, a strategic initiative that brings together different actors to engage in processes of social learning, joint meaning-making and exploration in order to strengthen our transdisciplinary capability to navigate sustainability challenges, and funded by the pedagogical unit at Uppsala University within their PUMA framework.

The workshops will create a safe space to explore, reflect and creatively co-create new pedagogical approaches, new methods and ways of thinking and working in a relational and co-creative fashion within higher education for sustainable development. The workshops will emphasize important factors that can promote a critical and reflexive approach, creativity and co-creation for transformative learning for sustainable development.

Our goal is to cultivate possibilities for a stimulating and meaningful learning environment that contributes to strengthening our sustainability competences in response to increasing societal challenges. The content of the workshops will be co-created with participants through a relational, process-oriented and systems approach. Our starting point is the specific needs, interests, and experiences that the participants bring to the workshops.

Should you have any questions, please contact Magnus Florin (, Maria Nyström ( or Eva Friman (

