Uppsala University celebrates ‘Culture Night’

On the second Saturday of September, every year since 1989, the people of Uppsala gather together to celebrate and take part in the city’s rich cultural life. Like previous years, Uppsala University will be hosting a wide selection of cultural events.

Uppsala University’s Culture Night Programme,
8 September 2012:


Culture Night in the University Main Building

The University Main Building celebrates its 125th birthday.
Open 6.00 to 9.00 pm.

The Grand Auditorium
The University archive exhibits old blueprints.
See the large chandelier up close.

The faculty floor and the chancellor rooms
The floor is open to visitors. See how a sculpture conservator works with plaster molds.

The old consistory room
Visit the room where the University’s board, the consistory, have had their meetings and hear about its history.

Lecture hall IV
Slide show showing the history of the building.

The coin cabinet
Visit the coin cabinet where Hendrik Mäkeler will show and talk about the history of coins and money.

Ensembles from the Royal Academic Orchestra will be performing at 6.30 and 8.30 pm.

The entrance hall
7.15–7.45 pm. Heavenly songs in the entrance hall performed by Allmänna Sången.

Lecture hall X
8.00–9.30 pm. A dose of strychnine – about poison and poison murders in literature. Professor of organic chemistry Olle Matsson talks about sections from different novels where murder victims are poisoned. Kerstin Hulter Åsberg will introduce and lead the discussion. Organiser: Kulturkommitén för ”Konst-Läkekonst” at Uppsala University, the University Hospital and Upsala Nya Tidning.

Café Alma
5.00–10.00 pm. Uppsala-Ekeby ceramics, clay, bricks and terracotta. Exhibition, gift shop and café. Organiser: Föreningen Upsala-Ekeby sällskapet.


The Museum of Medical History

What was inside the walls?
3.00–6.00 pm. Eva Lagerwalls väg 8 and 10. Free admission. Organised in collaboration with the Museum of Psychiatric History.


The Botanical Gardens – Food, music, frogs & fire

In the Baroque garden
1.00–5.00 pm. Kyudo – Japanese archery.
3.00–4.00 pm. Yang-style t'ai chi ch'uan – body and mind. Try-it-yourself.
9.00–10.00 pm. Fire show by Uppsala Waldorf Gymnasium.

The Orangery – In the hall of the flower king
2.00–9.00 pm. Poetry, art and songs with Clas and Christina Weiberg

Under the trees, at the corner of Norbyvägen & Villavägen
6.00–10.00 pm. Bridges – Swedish/Chinese interactive art. Organised in collaboration with Bror Hjorts hus and Uppsala Art Museum.

The vegetable garden
2.00–4.00 pm. Culinary treats. Botanist Cajsa Johansson cooks using vegetables from the garden and talks about the greens we put in our mouths.

The Tropical greenhouse
5.00–10.00 pm. Jungle adventures in the tropical greenhouse. Listen to the sounds of the rainforest, count the frogs and see the giant water lilies.


Cultural pot-pourri in the Linnaeus Garden

Svartbäcksgatan 27. Free admission all day. Organiser: Kulturnatten and Uppsala Linnean gardens.

The garden
10.00–11.00 am. Try Yang-style t'ai chi ch'uan and the Five Animals’ Qigong.
11.00 am to 9.00 pm. Open garden with guided tours at 11.30 am, 1.30 pm and 3.30 pm.
6.00 pm. Culture to grow – a show of Linnaeus’ plants.
6.00–9.00 pm. Visit the garden lit by lanterns. Enjoy the evening scents. See the flowers go to sleep and wake up.

The orangery
11.30 am – 12.30 pm. Dina Schneiderman and Uppsala Kammarensemble
12.00–2.45 pm. Origami
3.00–3.30 pm. Kimono exhibition
3.40–4.10 pm. Tea ceremony
4.30–5.00 pm. Tea ceremony
4.35–4.45 pm. Texts by Martin Piano.
5.00–5.30 pm. Red hot gospel with The Gloryfires
6.00–6.30 pm. Improvisational dance by Tiktaalik
6.45–7.15 pm. Choir singing by Quartetten
7.30–8.00 pm. Opera singing by Freddy Amigo
8.30–9.00 pm. Choir singing by Fyra vindar

The museum
11.00 am to 9.00 pm. Open house at the family Linnaeus, with family shows at 11.15 am and 4.00 pm, as well as a special show, ‘The women around Linnaeus’, at 7.00 pm.

At the sign post for the Linnaeus trail
7.00–10.00 pm. Treasure hunt with Biotopia – Linnaeus’ secret places.


The Museum of Evolution

Ugly animals
6.00–10.00 pm. Museum of Evolution, Zoology. Villavägen 9. Free admission.
Ugly, funny, incorrectly put together and slightly scary animals. Vote for your favourite and win some fine prizes!


Culture Night at Musicum

Kyrkogårdsgatan 4, Observatorieparken
5.30–6.30 pm. Members of the Royal Academic Orchestra perform chamber music.
7.30–8.30 pm. Johan Ullén, one of Sweden’s most prominent pianists, entertains.


Museum Gustavianum

Open 11.00 am to midnight. Come and meet some of the members of Update and learn more about computers. Also, give the Turing test a challenge!

A long short sketch
5.00 pm, 7.00 pm and 10.00 pm.
Marie Curie – a grand sketch featuring Västgöta nation’s theatre group.

Secret guest
9.00 pm. This years Disa award winner gives a lecture on a secret subject.

Curious about Alan Turing
7.00 pm. How the leopard got its spots: Alan Turing’s mathematics of patterns. Lecture by mathematician David Sumpter. Museum Gustavianum, the Anatomical theatre, floor 3. The lecture is given in English.

7.30 pm. Can machines think? Lecture about Alan Turing by mathematician Alma Kirlic. This versatile scientist among other things managed to decipher the German’s coded messages during World War II.

8.00 pm. What is conciousness? Panel discussion with scientists from Uppsala University, moderated by author David Lagercrantz.

Curious about the Balkans
5.00 pm. Lena Hjelm, Gordana Grabez and Sali Kadria show the exhibition 1+1 Life & Love.

6.00 pm. Concert with Ärnakvintetten in the Anatomical theatre.

More music
4.00 pm. Swedish folk music with Olle Gällmo.
Concert in the Anatomical theatre.

Calendars of different shapes and sizes
11.00 pm. A new mini exhibition is opened in the southern hall.

1,000 eyes. The key.
All day. From the creators of the Uppsala series ‘Tupilak, Hrafnir och Vondur’. One of the stories unfolds late one night at Museum Gustavianum.



7.30 pm. Studentbokhandeln, Sysslomansgatan 7
Awarding of this year’s Disa award winner. Vice-Chancellor Eva Åkesson hands out the Disa award, founded by Uppsala University and Studentbokhandeln.


Carolina Rediviva

7.00–8.00 pm. Timor et tremor – a call for help from the 16th century. Music performed by the vocal ensemble Oriana.

David Naylor

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