Gold medal to nanotech scientist Maria Strømme



The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences have decided to award their gold medal to Maria Strømme, professor of nanotechnology at Uppsala University.

Maria Strømme is awarded the gold medal ‘for her basic and applied research in nanotechnology and for her extensive entrepreneurship within physics and medicine’.

Strømme and her research team are working in many different areas of nanotechnology. They have recently become well-known for engineering a battery based on conductive polymers, salt water, and cellulose from a species of algae. The battery can be charged in as little as ten seconds!

She has also developed implants which can be loaded with slowly-emitted drugs, and a number of other pioneering inventions. Today she holds 27 patents in eight different patent groups. Her scientific production is also very extensive, with over 160 international scientific articles and about a hundred conference contributions.

‘This was a pleasant surprise’, says Maria Strømme. ‘I have always loved natural sciences, maths, and physics. Ever since I was little it has been my main interest. I am also very focused on results, so I can push myself and my colleagues quite hard to achieve something.’

‘Maria Strømme has through hard work, serious commitment and a unique talent for combining knowledge in different fields put Sweden on the world map of nano research. She is a very worthy gold medallist’, says Björn O. Nilsson of the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

The gold medal will be awarded to Maria Strømme at the Stockholm Concert Hall on Friday 26 October by HRH The King.

Anna Malmberg

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