SEK 38 million to research in humanities and social sciences



Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) have granted SEK 332 million to new research in the humanities and social sciences. Uppsala University receives grants of SEK 38 million in total. Just over half of this money goes to four projects in a special initiative for research on pre-modernism.

Three larger programmes receive grants totalling SEK 100 million. These programme grants are given to research at Stockholm University, the University of Gothenburg and the Institute for Future Studies.

RJ are also funding 41 research projects. Five of these projects are at Uppsala University:

  • Anders Ekström at the Department of History of Science and Ideas receives SEK 1,824,000 for the project From Pompeii to Fukushima: Time, intermediality and transregional imaginaries in disaster discourse.
  • Tina Hedmo at the Department of Business Studies receives SEK 5,406,000 for the project Who’s University? Managing and organising Swedish higher education and research.
  • Lisa Hultman at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research receives SEK 2,309,000 for the project Protection of Civilians: The UN:s strategies in peace-keeping operations.
  • Patrik Juslin at the Department of Psychology, receives SEK 3,410,000 for the project The Mirror of the Soul: Comparisons of spontaneous and posed expressions of feeling in the voice.
  • Ivana Macek at the Hugo Valentin Centre receives SEK 2,243,000 for the project Trans-generational transfer of war experiences among Bosnians in Sweden – a study of psychological anthropology.

RJ also finance a number of infrastructural projects. This year twelve applications were granted, of which one is a project at Uppsala University:

  • Peter Wallensteen receives SEK 3,000,000 for Mapping armed conflicts in Asia, 1989–2012. Promoting research through geo-coded data about organised violence in Asia.

Additionally, RJ granted another SEK 20 million to the cutting-edge research programme Pro Futura.

SEK 40 million fund 8 projects in the special initiative for research on pre-modernism. Four of these go to Uppsala University:

  • Ingrid Maier at the Department of Modern Languages receives SEK 5,900,000 for the project Inter-cultural exchange in early modern Europe: Translations of Western European newspapers into Russian (c. 1600–1725).
  • Göran Rydén at the Institute for Housing and Urban Research receives SEK 3,600,000 for the project Places for production, places for use. Metals in the globalised world, 1630–1820.
  • Karin Sennefelt at the Department of History receives SEK 5,200,000 for the project See the Estates of the realm! A culture of differences in Sweden in early modern time.
  • Johan Tralau at the Department of Government receives SEK 4,900,000 for the project The origin of political philosophy in ancient Greece.

Anna Malmberg

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