AstraZeneca offering up to USD 5 million for interdisciplinary research

The Vice-Chancellors of the four universities behind SciLifeLab signing the agreement for the research collaboration with AstraZeneca.

The Vice-Chancellors of the four universities behind SciLifeLab signing the agreement for the research collaboration with AstraZeneca.

AstraZeneca and SciLifeLab are inviting researchers at the four universities behind SciLifeLab to apply for funding by submitting project pre-proposals. Five to ten open collaborative research projects will be selected to receive financial support for up to five years.

In April 2012 AstraZeneca joined Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation and the Swedish Government in the effort to support research at SciLifeLab. During the first half of 2013 AstraZeneca will identify and initiate approximately 5–10 research projects based on new or existing interdisciplinary networks. The selected research projects will be granted up to approximately 1 million USD per year, for up to five years.

The focus is translational science and patient related research focusing on disease understanding, target validation and finding/validating new therapeutic opportunities. Areas of interest include neuroscience, cancer, respiration, inflammation, diabetes/metabolism, cardiovascular disease and infection.

The aim for the selected research programmes is to explore three areas of interest:

  • Systems models of disease and relationships between diseases
  • Development and characterization of animal models and/or technologies
  • Development of new technologies in the area of bioinformatics

Project pre-proposals may be submitted by employees at any of the four universities behind SciLifeLab – Karolinska institutet, the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University and Uppsala University. Research grants under the programme will be made available via the home institution of the lead principal investigator and will include salary funding as well as significant direct project funding for consumables, use of analytical platforms, etc.

Pre-proposals are to be submitted by the 8 March 2013. For more details, download the full invitation for pre-proposals (pdf).

    David Naylor

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