Winners of 2013 Pedagogical Awards selected



This year’s winners of the Pedagogical Awards teach rhetoric, economics, pharmaceutical bioscience and mathematics. The free Pedagogical Prize goes to Malin Östman for her teaching achievements at Cemus in the field of active student participation.

The winners of the Pedagogical Awards are selected by a committee consisting of two teachers and two students from four different nomination areas, from suggestions made by students and colleagues. The selections are made based on four main factors: teaching efforts, cooperation with students and colleagues, pedagogical leadership and the spreading of good teaching models. The fifth, Free Pedagogical Award is awarded for pedagogical efforts in a field that the University especially wants to promote. This year that area is active student participation.

“Skilful and devoted teachers who manage to create good conditions for the students’ learning are necessary for Uppsala University to be able to offer top quality courses. It is a delightful task to be part of giving these teachers a recognition of their pedagogic efforts”, says Deputy Vice-Chancellor Anders Malmberg, chairman of the awards committee.

The awards are handed over in connection with the inauguration of professors in the Grand Auditorium in November. The prize sum is SEK 20,000.

Award-winners and jury motivations

Theology, humanities and teacher education:

Senior lecturer Mika Hietanen at the Department of Literature has been awarded the 2013 Pedagogical Award in theology, humanities and teacher education.

With broad pedagogic knowledge and a passion for his subject, Mika Hietanen motivates students to actively participate in their education. His subject knowledge and ability to problematize inspires students’ enthusiasm and will to take on rhetoric in a new way. Mika is devoted to course development and always strives to improve teaching forms, not just in his own teaching but also by providing support and advice to colleagues.

Law and social sciences:

Senior lecturer Javad Amid at the Department of Economics has been awarded the 2013 Pedagogical Award in law and social sciences.

Javad Amid continuously works with renewal of pedagogical setups for both existent and new courses. As a teacher he manages to engage, motivate and explain to students so that their understanding of a subject, which by some is considered “difficult”, has increased. Graphs and equations that have felt incomprehensible, become simple to understand. All according to the principle “make it as simple as possible, but not simpler”. Like an éminence grise, Javad Amid has tirelessly shouldered and developed the basic courses in economics for a long time.

Medicine and pharmacy:

Senior lecturer Mathias Hallberg at the Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences has been awarded the 2013 Pedagogical Award in medicine and pharmacy.

Mathias Hallberg conveys knowledge with expression and dedication. With a keen ear for the students’ opinions he creates dialogue in his teaching. As pedagogic lead he has developed and run the course “Drug development and use” so that it has become integrated with Uppsala University’s Language Workshop in a unique and well-working cooperation. Mathias has also developed forms of examinations that are relevant and integrated with the teaching. He introduces training in scientific thinking and writing adapted for the newly admitted students, while maintaining stringent academic requirements.

Mathematics, natural sciences and engineering:

Senior lecturer Susanne Mirbt at the Department of Physics and Astronomy has been awarded the 2013 Pedagogical Award in mathematics, natural sciences and engineering.

Susanne Mirbt’s outstanding way of teaching mathematics makes the most of the students’ curiosity and captures everyone’s attention. She is structured and well-spoken when she, both thoroughly and in a multi-facetted way explains mathematical concepts. She opens new doors to the unknown depths and breadths of mathematics, both for students who are struggling and those who easily take in mathematics. With phenomenal sympathy and understanding for every individual’s needs she gets the students to achieve more and she listens carefully to everyone’s questions.

The Free Pedagogical Prize:

Course coordinator Malin Östman at the Department of Geo Sciences has been awarded the 2013 Free Pedagogical Award on the theme “Active Student Participation”.

Malin Östman has since 2005 been course leader for a number of basic courses within the subject field of sustainable development at Cemus. She has developed forms of teaching that centre around the students’ perspective, knowledge and questions, thereby making students active co-creators of the course. As course leader for the Master programme Malin has, with the same educational model, managed to enthuse and involve several students to continue working as course leaders themselves. Previous students have also been involved in developing the courses and the academic quality. A brilliant example of active student participation!

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