Annual Spring Networking Event in New York
The Uppsala University US Alumni Chapter’s annual spring event was held on June 5 at the Harvard Club in New York.
The annual spring event attracted Alumni of all ages who after a short mingle were welcomed by Board member Per Ståhle who also introduced the evenings speaker, Rolf Marquardt, General Manager of Handelsbanken New York and New Chairman of the Board of the UU US Alumni Chapter. Rolf spoke on the subject “Financial Markets in Change” and gave his view on what caused the financial meltdown as well as his views on what the future will hold in the financial system.
After the presentation Per Ståhle lead the participants through a workshop where the Alumni were given the opportunity to provide their insights and wishes regarding future activities of the Chapter. After having discussed in smaller groups the participants engaged in a larger discussion and ended with a vote on what the Chapter should focus on in the future.
Suggestions were plentiful and the participants agreed that the first step is to provide members with a network and to do so three needs to be continuity in the events of the Chapter. Participants further agreed that Valborg is a great day for a chapter activity and large interest was also shown for a typical U.S. event and pure networking activities. The Chapter is also to create a platform for newly graduated students moving to the U.S. and participants further discussed opportunities to help American Students to study at Uppsala through a fellowship. The fellowship should be funded through Membership fees and other types of fundraising, an issue that the board is to discuss further.
The event was capped off with a mingle and the call to spread the word of the Chapter to find more Alumni in the U.S.