New Master Programme in International IP Law



Uppsala University’s Faculty of Law is now starting a new 60-credit Master Programme in Intellectual Property Law. The Programme, to be taught in English, will cater for Swedish and international students alike. The first admissions will be for the Autumn Semester of 2015.

'It's tremendous that we're getting Sweden's only master programme in intellectual property law,' says Sanna Wolk, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer, herself an IP Law researcher, who will be in charge of the Programme at the Department of Law.

'Given Sweden's and other countries' financial dependence on intellectual property for the development of companies and society alike, the Programme will play a central role.'

Intellectual property (IP) law, which includes legislation on copyright, patents, designs and characteristics, is extremely important in our modern, knowledge-based economy with its focus on innovation and information. Economic growth and development depend on people's capacity to develop and obtain legal protection for intellectual property. The European Patent Office (EPO) estimates, for example, that some 40% of Sweden's GDP comes from IP-intensive companies.

The new Programme is unique in Sweden: today, the country has no other international Master Programme in IP law. Law students are calling for more extensive and detailed knowledge of this branch of law. The Programme will therefore provide a welcome opportunity for students to benefit from Uppsala University's strong research environment in IP law, with its internationally cutting-edge skills in such fields as biotechnology, patents, computer software, copyright, and global brands and trademarks.

Anders Berndt


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