Next Zennström Professorship holder to be appointed soon



The process of appointing the University’s next holder of the Zennström Visiting Professorship in Climate Change Leadership is set to begin soon. The professorship is placed at the Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development (CSD), and receives funding from a donation by entrepreneur Niklas Zennström. Now, the Centre has announced an open international call for nominations and expressions of interest.

The Zennström Visiting Professorship in Climate Change Leadership is a ten year visiting professorship. It is being funded through a previous donation to Uppsala University from entrepreneur and Uppsala alumnus Niklas Zennström. Zennström, the founder of Skype, Kazaa, Joos and several other companies, today runs the investment firm Atomico, which specializes in innovative technology start-ups. He is also deeply involved in philanthropy, contributing e.g. to climate research and other avenues of progress in the climate field through the organization Zennström Philanthropies.

Every year or every other year, a new professor is invited to fill the visiting professorship, which is tied to the Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development (CSD), part of the Department of Earth Sciences. CSD is an interdisciplinary centre at Uppsala University and SLU which aims to be a catalyst for research, education and collaboration in sustainable development.

In 2015, the climate researcher Doreen Stabinsky was appointed the first holder of the Zennström climate professorship at Uppsala University, with special focus on the subject of climate leadership. Read more about Doreen Stabinsky.

Now, the time has come to appoint the next Zennström professor. The Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development would like to receive any nominations or expressions of interest by 28 September 2015 at the latest.

More information: Marika Edoff, Department of Engineering Sciences

Read more about how to submit a nomination or an expression of interest for the Zennström Visiting Professorship.

Read more about the Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development at Uppsala University and SLU.


Anna Malmberg

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