French-Swedish Research Day
The 18th French-Swedish Research Day will take place at Carolina Rediviva, Uppsala University Library, on November 10th. Participation is free, but registration is mandatory. Still a few places!
French researchers active in Sweden, Swedish researchers interested in contacts with France, French researchers who would like to join us and meet new partners, you are all welcome! Like every year, this day is dedicated to the scientific cooperation between France and Sweden. We offer opportunity to meet, learn new things, present your work, and end the day with a friendly drink!
Languages: English, French, Swedish
Where: Tidskriftsläsesalen (TLS), Carolina Rediviva, Uppsala University Library
Dag Hammarskjölds väg 1, Uppsala.
When: November 10th, 8.45-17.30
Organized by: Institut français de Suède.