Research bill input: How to strengthen the global position of Swedish universities
Increase the universities’ capability in regards to strategic choices, economy and quality assurance. Provide the basic conditions for equal and transparent academic career paths and initiate a scheme for teachers to share their time between academia and the classroom. These are some of the recommendations made to the Swedish government by Uppsala University for the upcoming research bill.
Sweden acquits itself well as a knowledge nation, with several universities ranking among the top hundred in the world. However, if Sweden is to retain its strong position in research, the Swedish government must adopt policies that promote science of the highest quality. Such policies are essential to collaborations and exchanges with other globally leading academic institutions as well as the recruitment of teachers, researchers and students from all over the world.
To allow Swedish universities to reinforce and strengthen their positions internationally, the regulatory framework and research funding system must offer freedom of action and strategic capability. Today, the situation is fraught with imbalance, overlaps and gaps. This situation forms the basis for the ten recommendations on research policy that the University has submitted to the government.
- Increase the freedom of action for Swedish universities concerning international and collaborative ventures
- Increase the appropriation to universities for research and higher education, in order to leverage the share of direct state funding compared to external grants
- Develop the model for funding of research infrastructure and make national consultations a permanent arrangement
- Strengthen the internationalisation of higher education in Sweden
- Create a national action plan for digital information provision
- Provide possibilities for universities to develop transparent, equal and attractive academic career paths
- Initiate a scheme for teachers to share their time between academia and classroom
- Further strengthen the responsibility of universities in regards to quality assurance in research, education and interaction with society
- Enhance and further develop the collaboration between universities, industry and society in order to bring about innovative solutions to social challenges
- Consolidate and further develop the funding of Strategic Research Areas (SFO) and SciLifeLab
Anneli Waara