Much to look forward to for UK alumni

The Uppsala University UK Alumni Chapter hosted a planning event and reception at the Silver Cross Pub in Whitehall, London on November 18th. Three major events are planned for UK alumni in 2016.

The board of the UK Alumni Chapter, Uppsala University's honorary doctor Senior Lecturer Anne M. Gold and guests, met to receive the official UK Alumni roll-up and discuss the exciting plans that the chapter has for 2016. ‘Our greatest challenge is to reach all the Uppsala University alumni who live in the UK. We will organize a number of events that initially will take place in the London area’, says chapter president Peter Lindqvist. Reaching out to the several hundreds of Uppsala alumni here will be top priority.

There are three major events planned for 2016:

  • an Uppsala University alumni and friends dinner featuring a UU speaker in late February or early March
  • a Valborg festivity on the last day of April ('Sista April')
  • an evening cocktail reception in the autumn

The regular and popular pub evenings will continue throughout the year. ‘We want to expand and differentiate our activities in order to provide interesting and fun events for all alumni that also provide great networking opportunities’, says Henrik Hansson, who serves on the chapter board. In other words, alumni in the UK have much to look forward to in 2016. For more information, please contact Peter and Henrik at

