Join the UU Delegation in developing a new Global Citizenship Program

Faculty and students from seven international universities will come together at a workshop in Uppsala during 18-21st April, marking the first meeting for the new Global Citizenship Program for the Matariki Network of Universities (MNU). What could a Global Citizenship Program be? Join this workshop to discuss and develop the future of this initiative. Both faculty and students at Uppsala University are invited to participate.
The soon to be released workshop plan will include guest speakers, interactive sessions to explore the concept of Global Citizenship and how to work with it, and many opportunities to get to know international partners, setting the groundwork for future collaborations. The program aims to set up substantial links and projects between and within partner universities around global citizenship education, research, and outreach activities, initially focusing on the following strands: Empowering Learners and Community Engagement.
More information and the student application form can be found here.
Please send your expression of interest 20 March at the latest.
For enquiries and expressions of interest to participate, contact: