International Master’s programmes an attractive choice
The first round of admission for the international Master’s programmes at Uppsala University is finished. 1 437 students have been admitted to the programmes starting autumn 2016. Close to 60 percent of the admitted are fee-paying international students.
In total, 64 000 people applied to international Master’s programmes in Sweden for autumn 2016. Close to 12 000 of these – 18 percent – applied to Uppsala University.
In the first round of admission, 1 437 students have been admitted to the Master’s programmes held in autumn at Uppsala University. This constitutes an increase of 50 percent compared to the admissions of last autumn. In Sweden overall, the increase was 32 percent.
837 of the 1 437 exchange students admitted to Uppsala University – 57 percent – are so-called fee-paying international students.
In 2011, tuition fees were introduced for students from countries outside the EU/EES Agreement and Switzerland. As a result, there was a large decline in the amount of students from countries outside of the EU. However, now the number is increasing again. In 2011, Uppsala University had 118 fee-paying international students. In 2015, the number had risen to 503.
‘The international students contribute to the vitality and development of the University,’ says Anders Malmberg, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Uppsala University. ‘We have both expanded our selection of international Master’s programmes and improved our recruitment of international students. It is pleasing to see the results, and that Uppsala University seems to be an attractive choice for students all over the world.’
Anna Malmberg