SEK 5 million grant to art project
The Swedish Research Council has selected seven art research projects to receive grants, out of a total of 51 applications. One of the grants is awarded to Katarina Pirak Sikku and the Uppsala University Centre for Gender Studies.
Katarina Pirak Sikku at the Centre for Gender Studies, has been granted SEK 5 million towards the art project “Giving me perspective – traces of racial biologists in sami society” (“Att ge mig perspektiv – Rasbiologernas spår i det samiska folkhemmet”).
“The quality level of applications was pleasingly high, with a broad spectrum of topics represented. Several of the selected projects in this research area have a connection to ongoing public debate relevant to both man and societal development”, says Jan Kaila, scientific advisor in artistic research at the Swedish Research Council.
The Swedish Research Council has granted a total of SEK 30 million to arts research for the period 2017–2019.
Anna Malmberg