2016 Holmdahl Scholarship recipients selected



The Martin Henriksson Holmdahl Scholarship is Uppsala University’s finest award for efforts that further human rights and freedoms. This year, the award goes to Anna-Sara Lind, reader in public law, and Lindsey Doyle, Master’s student at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research.

The Martin Henriksson Holmdahl Scholarship was founded in 2003 for former Vice-Chancellor Martin Henriksson Holmdahl’s 80th birthday, and since his passing it is awarded in his memory. The scholarship amounts to SEK 25,000 and may be awarded to one or several employees or students at the University.

The University’s faculties, departments and students send in nominations for the award and a special scholarship board, appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, selects the recipients.

The scholarship board has decided that the prize for 2016 will be shared between reader Anna-Sara Lind at the Department of Law and Lindsey Doyle, student at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research.

The award citation: 

“Anna-Sara Lind, Associate Professor of Public Law, is a researcher who has addressed human rights issues in an exemplary fashion in her scholarship, by including social rights and in particular the right to health in her research. It is particularly significant that she has also drawn attention to these issues outside the academic world. She is now engaged in the University’s initiative for multidisciplinary research on racism.”

“Lindsey Doyle is a student in the Master programme and Rotary Peace Fellow at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research. She combines academic ability and professional experience in an unusual and inspiring way in work that crosses boundaries – and in which artistic expression has a key place – to promote human rights and peacebuilding in severe conflicts around the world.”

The medals will be awarded at the Winter Conferment Ceremony on 27 January 2017.

Find out more about the Martin Henriksson Holmdahl Scholarship.

Linda Koffmar

