New Course on Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education



SWEDESD, together with Åbo Akademi University and the Baltic University Programme (BUP), have developed a new course for university teachers that will run from September 2017 to February 2018.

The aim of the course is to support university teachers to integrate sustainable development priorities into their teaching, and to strengthen the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition to sustainability themes, the course will use blended learning where participants will be introduced to e-learning and offline strategies to bring about change in their university curriculum and learning environments.

Each participant will also develop a change project on integrating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in current and future teaching and learning.

- The great outcome of change projects is that participants will be able to provide strong leadership for ESD innovation in their university teaching areas. Through this, they are capable of inspiring their students to confront the 21st century challenges, says Shepherd Urenje, course facilitator and specialist at Swedesd.

BUP Teachers Course on ESD builds upon several years of international collaboration between partners in southern Africa and Scandinavia working with the Change Project Approach in the context of the UNESCO Global Action Programmme (GAP) on ESD.

Applications should be sent to BUP by 20 June 2017. For further information, see the course announcement (pdf).

Viktor Jacobsson


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