SEK 300 million invested in systems biology

The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, SSF, is investing SEK 300 million in interdisciplinary research in systems biology. Two of the nine project grants are going to Uppsala University.
Systems biology is a growing field of research that aims to understand complex relationships in complete biological systems. Systems biology combines mathematical models, computer simulations and experiments to understand complex biological systems, for example, the interplay in a cell or tissue.
“This is important research that is highly relevant and will ultimately have a huge impact on society,” says Lars Hultman, CEO of SSF.
Uppsala University is receiving two of the nine five-year project grants in this call for applications.
Ylva Ivarsson, Department of Chemistry - BMC, is receiving SEK 34 million for the project “Systems biological study of human-viral protein interactions”.
Ylva Ivarsson studies molecular recognition in cell signalling. In one cell, more than 100,000 protein-protein interactions happen at any given time, and these are absolutely crucial for cell functioning. When errors in protein interactions occur, it can lead to diseases such as various types of cancer. The research will contribute new information about which interactions can take place in a human cell in states of health and sickness. Read more about Ylva Ivarsson’s research.
Sven Nelander, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, is receiving SEK 30 million (together with Chalmers, GU and KI) for the project “New integrative strategies to fight cancer of the brain”.
Sven Nelander researches systems biological brain tumour mapping. The goal is to determine the importance of the regulation of gene activity in cancer cells and to contribute to the development of new cancer treatments that are tailored to individual patients. Read more about Sven Nelander’s research.
About SSF
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, SSF, funds research in science, engineering and medicine with approximately SEK 600 million per year via framework grants, individual grants, graduate schools and grants to promote greater mobility.
Anna Malmberg