Ola Larsmo and Quentin Skinner new honorary doctors



Author Ola Larsmo and Professor Quentin Skinner, University of London, have been appointed new honorary doctors at Uppsala University’s Faculty of Arts.

Ola Larsmo is an author, freelance writer and literature critic. He was editor of Bonniers Litterära Magasin and a board member for the Swedish Writers’ Union and the Institute for Futures Studies. From 2009 to 2017 he chaired Swedish PEN. Larsmo has studied Scandinavian languages, literature, theology and history at Uppsala University. His collected works includes fiction, political journalism, cultural journalism and not least historical essays.  Larsmo has participated at the faculty as a lecturer and panellist, and in courses on writing and public conversation. Larsmo is with his broad knowledge of history and his unswerving moral compass an important humanist voice in both Swedish societal debate and in the international struggle for freedom of expression and freedom of the press.

Quentin Skinner is Barber Beaumont Professor of the Humanities at Queen Mary, University of London. His different contributions to historical research have been very important and influential for several decades. This includes his extensive analysis of the emergence of modern political thinking from the Middle Ages until the 18th century. Skinner has also been of great importance to general theory and methodology through his development of principles for contextualising analyses. He has held several lectures and seminars at Uppsala University and even deeper cooperation is being planned.

The Conferment Ceremony will be held in the University Main Building on 26 January 2018.

Anneli Waara

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