SEK 50 million to clinical treatment research



The Swedish Research Council has announced Research Environment Grants in clinical therapy treatment research. Eighteen grants were awarded for a total of SEK 228 million. Three of these grants will go to Uppsala University.

The call in clinical treatment research is aimed at supporting projects in healthcare that are expected to benefit patients and society within a short period of time. Most of the grants were awarded to projects with broad national or international cooperation.

The call was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, 95 outline applications were submitted and 39 of these moved on to the next stage. Of the full applications submitted, 18 were awarded grants. The average amount of funding provided during the 2017-2020 grant period is SEK 4.4 million per year.

Three of the grants will go to researchers at Uppsala University.

  • Bertil Lindahl, Department of Medical Sciences: Randomised evaluation of treatment with beta-blockers and ACE/ARBI in patients with MINOCA (MINOCA-BAT). Total SEK 15,284,706.
  • Sten Rubertsson, Department of Surgical Sciences: Emergency coronary angiography following cardiac arrest. Total SEK 16,959,882.
  • Stefan Thelin, Department of Surgical Sciences: SWEDEGRAFT – a national, multi-centre, prospective, randomised, registry-based, clinical study on no-touch vein graft (NT graft) in coronary artery surgery. Total SEK 17,200,000.

Anna Malmberg

