New Adviser to the Vice-Chancellor on Good Research Practice



Starting in February, Stefan Eriksson, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics, will be Adviser to the Vice-Chancellor on Good Research Practice at Uppsala University.

Stefan Eriksson, new Adviser to the

The position of adviser to the vice-chancellor on good research practice is completely new at the University and includes furthering and coordinating university-wide issues on good research practice as well as advising the Vice-Chancellor.

“The goal is for us to work with research ethics issues in a more coordinated and strategic way, both within and beyond the University. There is already a lot of commitment at different levels which I hope to gather to increase awareness,” says Stefan Eriksson.

He also hopes that the role of Adviser to the Vice-Chancellor will provide opportunities to make issues of research ethics more widely known. His first plan of action is to find forms for dialogue and knowledge sharing within the University.

“I want to try to create a structure for recurring in-depth discussion where we can talk about research ethics together with several parties within the University. This will most likely be in the form of a series of seminars, to begin shortly,” says Eriksson.

Eriksson is expected to spend 25 per cent of his time on his new assignment, which runs from 1 February 2018 to 31 March 2021.

The Vice-Chancellor’s Blog: Good research – everyone’s responsibility

Josefin Svensson

