Grant to Uppsala University Library for digitization of numismatic literature

Uppsala University Library has received 100 000 SEK from the Gunnar Ekström’s Foundation. This will be the starting point for a digital numismatic library covering the most important early European numismatic works from the 16th century to the 19th century.

Since important parts of Uppsala University's collections of coins and medals have already been digitised and available in the database Alvin, research within the field will be facilitated significantly. One of the initiators of the digitisation was Dr. Hendrik Mäkeler, Leiter der Numismatik und Geldgeschichte at Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt, previously responsible for the Uppsala University Coin Cabinet.

Among the books are copies that were previously owned by some of the leading early numismatists in Sweden, such as Carl Didrik Ehrenpreus, Johan Henrik Schröder, Evald Ziervogel and Eric Götlin.

- Thanks to the digitisation and recataloging of the books, researchers now get information about previous ownership in the metadata for the digital versions, says project manager Peter Sjökvist at Uppsala University Library.

The goal is for the entire collection to be fully digitised within a few years.

Contact: Peter Sjökvist, epost:

Detail from engraved title page from: Gerard van Loon, Inleiding tot de heedendaagsche penningkunde…, Amsterdam, 1717. Copy from Uppsala University Library.


Helena Backman

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