Sustainability excursion for new students at Campus Gotland

More than 100 students are registered for a two day excursion on the island to explore sustainability challenges and share knowledge across disciplines. The event is part of the new Education for Sustainable Develeopment (ESD) Learning Lab at Campus Gotland.
Uppsala University Campus Gotland offers several programmes and courses in the field of sustainable development, including Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in energy transition, cultural heritage and destination development.
In order to strengthen the collaboration and increase the knowledge exchange between these programmes, an excursion will take place on 12-14 September 2018, bringing teachers and students to the wind energy park in Näs, the church in Öja, and the nature reserve Holmhällar.
- Sustainability challenges are most often complex and do not have solutions that are “right” or “wrong”. This trip is a way to create a space for teachers and students to meet and discuss these issues. There will be a focus on learning and education, what and how we learn and what kind of implications this has for sustainable development, says Sanna Barrineau, project coordinator at SWEDESD.
The trip to Holmhällar is the first activity within the new ESD Learning Lab at Campus Gotland coordinated by SWEDESD to develop transdisciplinary collaboration and capacity development among teachers, researchers and students in education and sustainable development.
Viktor Jacobsson