How has the cancellation of the Elsevier agreement affected you?



As you may be aware, Swedish universities and government agencies through the National Library of Sweden and the Bibsam Consortium (the Swedish library consortium) cancelled their agreement with Elsevier 30 June 2018.

Elsevier has not been able to meet the demands of the Bibsam Consortium:

  • immediate open access to all articles published in Elsevier’s journals by researchers affiliated to one of the consortium’s participating organisations;
  • reading access to Elsevier’s 1 900 journals for participating organisations, and
  • a sustainable price model which makes a transition to open access possible.

Read more about the cancellation.

Six months have now passed since the access to Elsevier material was restricted. To learn how the cancellation has affected users, we construed this survey.

The survey consists of 12 questions and is expected to take 5 minutes to complete. Since the survey is anonymous it cannot be saved and resumed later.

All users at organisations that had an agreement with Elsevier at the time of cancellation (that is, researchers and research students at HEIs and users at government agencies) are asked to respond to this survey.

The evaluation will serve as a basis for continued negotiations with Elsevier and other publishers. Its findings should be of use in strategic discussions with HEIs, research funders and representatives of the Ministry of education and research, and on future business models for OA to research publications.

The survey will remain open until 19-02-01. All responses are treated with confidentiality.

Should any questions arise, please contact Lisa Olsson or 0737-832040

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