Become a student ambassador!

Would you like to share your experience and inspire others to study science and technology at Uppsala University? As a student ambassador you could go on a recruitment trip to your home country or to the country from where you got your bachelor diploma.
There is no remuneration but we pay for the trip (travel tickets and in exceptional cases accommodation). The trip must be booked through the University's travel agency. You will also get a certificate that attests to your work as ambassador.
We encourage you to apply if you think this mission sounds interesting and meaningful and you think that you could inspire others to apply for a programme within science and technology at Uppsala University.
We aim to take on around 14 ambassadors and in our selection we aim for a spread in terms of programme, country and gender. If you during the same trip can visit other universities in the same region as your “home university” we consider it a great merit, especially if you travel to a country far away from Sweden.
Plan and book your university visit(s)
You will contact your former university and make all the necessary contacts. The visit may be to the university where you performed your candidate training, and possibly also to other universities in the same region.
It is advisable to contact the university's International Office, International Relations Office or your former institution and inquire about the possibility of arranging a seminar for students on a particular topic within the theme "Master of Science and Technology at Uppsala University." Sometimes the student union at the university in question can help, especially regarding marketing.
Please note that your presentation mainly should be about master studies within science and technology at Uppsala University in general and to a smaller part about your particular programme.
Key questions to universities:
- Can you assist with a venue for the meeting?
- Can you help spread information about the visit through e-mails, posters or other channels?
- Are there some other opportunities to spread information in person, like a fair or just setting up a stand somewhere at campus where a lot of students pass by?
Presentation materials
We will assist with making a poster that can be used to advertise the seminar. A pdf-file can then be sent to the University for print-out.
We will provide you with a PowerPoint presentation that you can personalize. You will also get leaflets about master studies at Uppsala University to share and a roll-up poster to keep next to you during your presentation. The department/programme might have some additional information.
Report and follow-up meeting
A written report of maximum two A4 pages should be given to us within one month after the trip. We also want a short meeting with you to follow up on any questions or ideas.
The trip could take place either during the fall semester or the spring semester. It could also take place during the summer if the academic year is different in the country of visit.
Here you find the application form. Last day of application is 20 May, 2019.
Contact information officer Marie Chajara Svensson.
Marie Chajara Svensson