Lena Marcusson is the new chair of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Uppsala



Professor Emerita Lena Marcusson of Administrative Law at the Faculty of Law at Uppsala University was recently appointed chair of the board of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Uppsala (KVSU).

One of the youngest learned societies in Sweden, KVSU was founded in 1954 by Ivar Modéer, a professor of Scandinavian languages, as an interdisciplinary meeting place for scholars from all faculties at Uppsala University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The mission of the Society is to promote research in the fields studied at both universities. This is accomplished by arranging lectures and discussions, publishing scholarly works and awarding prizes.

The curriculum vitae of Professor Emerita Lena Marcusson, one of the leading scholars of administrative law in Sweden and the Nordic region, includes many awards and representative assignments. These include serving as deputy vice-chancellor of the University from 1997 until 2006. As well, Professor Marcusson is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of Sciences, and has been awarded honorary doctorates by the University of Lapland (2012) and Åbo Akademi University (2016). Professor Marcusson has been actively involved in Nordic joint initiatives in administrative law and in the Nordic Administrative Organisation for many years.  She has conducted extensive and socially relevant research in areas including organisational forms of public administration, the principles of procedures and legal rights protection in public administration and Swedish higher education and research from a legal and comparative perspective.

Professor Marcusson succeeds Sverker Gustavsson, Professor Emeritus with the Department of Government, as chair of KVSU. Other previous chairs of the Society include Torgny Segerstedt and Professor Emeritus of Private Law Stig Strömholm, former Vice-Chancellors of Uppsala University, of whom the latter serves as an honorary chair along with Sverker Gustavsson.

More about Lena Marcusson
More about the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Uppsala

Maria Cicilaki

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