Investment in new study programmes in tomorrow’s technologies

Uppsala University is making a major investment in new study programmes in the field of tomorrow’s technologies, with eight new programmes beginning in the autumn term of 2020. “It is not every day that we introduce new study programmes at Uppsala University. This is an investment in a field in which there is and will continue to be an enormous demand for new knowledge,” says Johan Tysk.

Autumn 2020 will see Uppsala University start eight new engineering courses; one master of science in engineering programme in industrial economics, one bachelor of science in engineering programme in industrial development and six international master’s programmes. In total, this will provide 250 new study places. The international profile of these master’s programmes will contribute to the quality of education and increase the international element of the University’s existing programmes and courses.
“This is both a national and international investment. Engineering is an international profession and our students will be entering a global job market. It is important that we are able to remain competitive,” says Johan Tysk, vice-rector for the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology.

An attractive combination of engineering and economics

The new master of science in engineering programmes combine engineering with economics.
“We know that this is an attractive combination. In order to met tomorrow’s social challenges, we need knowledge of several subject areas and to work interdisciplinarily, a theme that runs through all of these new study programmes in science and technology. In this way, we can benefit from the University’s breadth,” says Johan Tysk.
The content of the new master’s programmes covers areas such as additive manufacturing (3D printing), water engineering, materials engineering, data analysis, machine learning and image analysis (artificial intelligence).
“This is a hot field right now and we are getting in on the ground floor by starting these new study programmes. It is also a field in which we are strong in terms of research,” says Måns Östring, head of Uppsala University’s Office for Science and Technology.


New bachelor’s and master’s in engineering study programmes for Autumn 2020

  • Master of Science in Engineering Study Programme in Industrial Economics, 300 HE credits
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Industrial Development, 180 HE credits

New international master’s programmes for Autumn 2020

  • Master’s Programme in Additive Manufacturing, 120 HE credits
  • Master’s Programme in Image Analysis and Machine Learning, 120 HE credits
  • Master’s Programme in Data Analysis, 120 HE credits
  • Master’s Programme in Industrial Analysis, 120 HE credits
  • Master’s Programme in Materials Engineering,120 HE credits
  • Master’s Programme in Water Engineering, 120 HE credits

Josefin Svensson

