Uppsala one of nine institutions in European University on sustainable cities

The Enlight consortium, of which Uppsala University is a member, will be one of 24 new European university partnerships to receive funding from the European Commission in the second round of the prestigious European Universities programme. The purpose of the programme is to create deep strategic partnerships between European universities to jointly address societal challenges in Europe.

Today the European Commission announced which European university partnerships will receive funding in the second round of the Erasmus+ initiative European Universities. The programme is designed to increase the mobility of students, researchers, teachers and other staff at universities in the Enlight alliance and to enhance the quality, inclusiveness and competitiveness of European higher education. In 2050 students will be able easily to move between and study at all the participating universities during their education before taking their degree. The programme is also intended to contribute to sustainable economic development in the regions around the universities.

“Complex societal challenges demand international cooperation and today’s positive announcement brings new opportunities for Uppsala University to develop forms of international cooperation focusing on sustainable cities. We can look forward to very exciting endeavours. The project will involve many partners and people, both at the University and in our region,” says Vice-Chancellor Eva Åkesson.

Anneli Waara

Facts about Enlight

The institutions involved in the Enlight project will move forward together in the field of sustainable cities, with free movement for students, teachers, researchers and other staff.

The member universities apart from Uppsala University are Göttingen (Germany), Groningen (The Netherlands), Ghent (Belgium), Tartu (Estonia), Bordeaux (France), Basque Country (Bilbao, Spain), Galway (Ireland) and Comenius University (Bratislava).

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