A Linnaeus manuscript donated to Uppsala University Library

Manuscript from 1745 bearing the signature of Carl Linnaeus.

A manuscript from 1745 bearing the signature of Carl Linnaeus has been donated to Uppsala University Library by Professor Robert A. Stein through the American Friends of Uppsala University, or AFUU.

The manuscript, dated May 17, 1745, is part of a document concerning a real estate purchase, and was previously within a larger set of documents addressed to the Swedish high court, “Kongl. Maj: ts och Riksens höglofl. Swea Hofrätt.”  It is signed by the then-fifteen members of the university’s board, one of them being Carl Linnaeus, who is famous for the hierarchical classification, or taxonomy, of nature in his Systema Natura.

The donation was made by Professor Robert A Stein, Everett Fraser Professor of Law, Distinguished Global Professor, University of Minnesota Law School, also a member of AFUU’s board of directors, who recently bought the document in the United States in order to donate it to Uppsala University Library via AFUU.

– We are very grateful to have Professor Stein as a friend of Uppsala University and for his continuous support to the university, of which the donation of the Linnaeus document is the latest example, says Professor Anders Malmberg, President of AFUU.

The document was handed over to Uppsala University and Uppsala University Library on March 17, 2021.

– Generous donors have enriched our library throughout its long history. We are very grateful for this gift, says Professor Lars Burman, Library Director.

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