COVID-19 report, 21 May



“Things are still looking good and we have high hopes of being able to start the autumn semester with considerably more on-campus teaching,” says Chief Security Officer Fredrik Blomqvist. 

The positive signals come from various sources, including the regional infection control doctor Johan Nöjd, and they are confirmed by declining numbers at the University. 

“As we can see from the graph above, we had a downward trend in the number of confirmed cases among our staff and students in weeks 18 and 19 (3–16 May). That trend of declining numbers seems to be continuing this week too,” says Blomqvist.

“However,” he adds, “Region Gotland is still in a state of heightened preparedness, which indicates that the situation is still strained there. Having said that, very few cases can be linked to employees or students at Campus Gotland.”


This week brought an extension of the Vice-Chancellor’s decision on continued remote education and homeworking, which now applies from 1 July until 29 August.


Infection status report

To summarise the infection situation, as of 21 May, there have been 943 confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Uppsala University since the start of the 2020 autumn semester.

This figure breaks down as follows:

  •  733 Bachelor’s and Master’s students – an increase of 28 cases 
  • 15 doctoral students – no increase
  • 195 members of staff – an increase of 11 cases 

If you are confirmed infected with COVID-19, the Communicable Diseases Act requires you to inform people who have been in your proximity and whom you may have infected.
Uppsala University has created an online procedure to help you do this anonymously.

If you are confirmed infected with COVID-19, it is very important that you make sure to stay at home: Do not go to campus, exam rooms or work. And keep up to date with the current rules of conduct.

Breakdown by disciplinary domain

The 733 Bachelor’s and Master’s students confirmed infected are distributed across the disciplinary domains as follows (change from previous week in parentheses):

  • Hum/Sam – 292 (+13) confirmed cases
  • Med/Farm – 307 (+9) confirmed cases
  • Tek/Nat – 134 (+6) confirmed cases

Managing confirmed infections in education

When an infection is confirmed, the disciplinary domain concerned deals with the question of whether teaching should continue to be conducted on campus (if that is currently being done) or whether there is reason to switch to online education. Region Uppsala carries out contact tracing and contacts the individuals deemed necessary in view of the contacts reported by the infected person. The University has no responsibility for this process.

Information concerning international students and staff 

International employees and students who need to have a COVID-19 test cannot make an appointment via 1177. 
Anyone in this group should call (Region Uppsala) 018-617 35 64 to make an appointment.
The number in Region Gotland is 0498-26 89 31.

Number of cases in Region Uppsala and Region Gotland

Number of people confirmed infected in Region Uppsala: week 17 (26 April - 2 May) – 1359, week 18 (3 - 9 May) – 1197 and week 19 (10 - 16 May) – 788.

Number of people confirmed infected in Region Gotland: week 17 (26 April - 2 May) – 81. Week 18 (3 - 9 May) – 108 and week 19 (10 - 16 May) – 96.
Source: Public Health Agency of Sweden


Number of people vaccinated in Uppsala County 

On 20 May, 122,281 residents (+20,878) had received their first dose of vaccine and 37,611 (+8 190) of these had also received their second dose.


Number of people vaccinated in Gotland County

On 19 May, 31,536 residents had received vaccine and of these had 9,700 received their second dose.


The Communicable Diseases Act requires:

If you are confirmed infected, the Communicable Diseases Act requires you to inform people whom you suspect you may have infected. As part of Uppsala University’s efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 infection, the University has created an online procedure to help you do this anonymously.

Read the decision of the Vice-Chancellor on advice for reducing the spread of infection

Gunilla Sthyr

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