Inauguration of professors 2021



On 19 November, new professors at Uppsala University are inaugurated in the University Main Building. The new professors at the Faculty of Law who will participate in the ceremony are Katia Cejie (Fiscal Law), Steffen Hindelang (International Investment and Trade Law), David Langlet (Environmental Law), and Rebecca Thorburn Stern (Public Law).

Below is a presentation of the Faculty of Law's new professors, who will give their respective inaugural lectures after Dean Anna Singer's introduction, on Monday 15 November as from 10.15 in room IX in the University Main Building in Uppsala.

See programme

Katia Cejie
The scientific subject of fiscal law includes several subject areas. Katia Cejie’s main focus in research and teaching is in the subject of tax law. The political nature of tax law leads to a constant change in law. Katia is mainly interested in international tax law and EU tax law, which means that the rate of change is very high. Among other things, this is what appeals to and challenges her as a researcher. To be able to contribute by systemizing, analyzing and explaining the continuous changes leads to practically relevant and applicable research results. Several of her books and articles are aimed at the legislator, in that she identifies inconsistencies, contradictions, and difficulties in current legislation, and that she suggests improvements.

Katia has been appointed Distinguished University Teacher (excellent lärare) and was in 2019 awarded the Distinguished Teaching Award of Uppsala University for her efforts for gender equality and equal conditions.

Steffen Hindelang
Steffen Hindelang is professor of international investment and trade law at Uppsala University and works in the areas of international economic law, EU law, and German public law. He is also co-director and founder of the CELIS Institute and serves as series co-editor of the YSEC Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions published by Springer. Furthermore, he has advised, inter alia, governments on investment screening regulation and in international investment disputes as well as and international organisations on matters of reform of the international investment law regime. He was repeatedly invited by the European Parliament to prepare studies on the evolvement of the EU Common Commercial Policy. He serves at the ICSID Panel of Conciliators designated by Germany for the term 2019-2025.

David Langlet
David Langlet is a professor of environmental law at Uppsala University since August 2021. His most recent position before that was as Professor of Ocean Governance Law at the University of Gothenburg for six years. Over the years, his research has touched on a wide range of topics in the fields of environmental law, law of the sea and international economic law. Among the issues in which he has taken a particular interest are international trade in hazardous substances; legal challenges relating to the capture and storage of carbon dioxide; legal dimensions of climate policy instruments, in particular the EU:s emissions trading scheme (EU ETS); and protection and management of the marine environment and its resources. To that can be added more theoretical perspectives such as the role of law in facilitating large-scale collective action, and legal dimensions of ecosystem-based management. Much of his research is carried out within the framework of multidisciplinary projects.

Rebecca Thorburn Stern
Rebecca Thorburn Stern's research shows how the relationship between state and individual is regulated in the areas of human rights and asylum and migration law, as well as the interpretation and application of these regulations. In the area of human rights, her focus is on children's rights and the obstacles for these rights to be realized. For example, how do traditional attitudes towards children affect the implementation of their rights, and how do states deal with this legally? In asylum and migration law, she is interested in how states relate to the demands placed on them based on their international obligations, such as the right to seek asylum, and how the need for protection is assessed. What significance exists, for example, if an international obligation is also national law? How do you assess the credibility of an application for protection that deals with inner conviction or disposition?

The common thread in Rebecca's research is thus the individuals as rights holders, and conflicts of interest between state and individual, especially when it comes to vulnerable groups such as children and refugees.

Every year in November, the university arranges the inauguration of professors, which means that the newly appointed professors are inaugurated in their respective positions by the Vice-Chancellor. In connection with the inauguration, the professors present their research in short lectures, taking place earlier in the week or during the ceremony itself. Since no inauguration was held last year, this year’s ceremony includes professors who were appointed both in 2020 and in 2021.

More about this year’s inauguration of professors and the inaugural lectures


Maria Cicilaki

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