Joint announcement of doctoral student positions at the Department of Law and the Department of Busi
In a collaboration, we are now announcing two doctoral student positions with admission to postgraduate studies at the Department of Law and employment at the Department of Business Administration, in the subject of commercial law.
Excerpt from the advertisement:
The Faculties of Social Sciences and of Law at Uppsala University jointly invite applications for two doctoral student positions. The doctoral students will be employed by the Department of Business Studies and attach to its commercial law team. The doctoral students will nonetheless be enrolled in the doctoral programme of the Faculty of Law and studies will aim at a doctoral degree in law. The doctoral students will be engaged in the research environments of both the Department of Business Studies and the Department of Law and will have supervisors from both departments.
The commercial law group is situated in the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Department of Business Studies, and this has consequences for the theoretical and methodological directions of its teaching and research. Traditionally, commercial law is concerned with the rules and norms that govern economic activities nationally and internationally. The commercial law group at Uppsala University, however, takes a broader law and business perspective which includes studies of the public domain. Studies in law and business are often trans-/cross- or multidisciplinary in character, connecting to social science disciplines such as business and sociology. Using this law and business perspective as a point of departure, the accepted doctoral students will pursue their research studies in one of the 15 research topics offered by the Faculty of Law (Jurisprudence, Private Law, European Law, Fiscal Law, Public International Law, Business Law, Administrative Law, Private International Law, Constitutional Law, Medical Law, Environmental Law, Public Law, Civil and Criminal Procedural Law, Legal History and Criminal Law).
Welcome to apply by 1 March 2022!
Full announcement
More about the doctoral education at the Department of Law
Maria Cicilaki