The Faculty of Pharmacy ready for ULLA Summer School 22
In early July, Uppsala University’s Faculty of Pharmacy welcomes PhD students and researchers from all over Europe to the ULLA Summer School 22, a unique experience that will bring together the future leaders in international pharmacy.
2-9 July, the peaceful calm of summertime BMC will be interrupted by the ULLA Summer School. More than 250 PhD students and staff – representing the ten partners of the ULLA European University Consortium for Pharmaceutical Sciences – will team up in Uppsala for a week of pharmaceutical fun.
“We are coordinating 40+ courses, covering a wide range of topics taught by experts from across Europe. This will give students a great opportunity to participate in advanced courses in areas of interest, or perhaps dip their toes into something completely new to build their general knowledge in pharmaceutical research,” says Lindon Moodie of the organising committee.
“30 years of ULLA and 29 years of Summer Schools is truly a significant achievement. Many of the pioneering organisers will join us for the opening ceremony in the Uppsala University Main auditorium, and we hope that everyone with an interest in frontline pharmacy will be there to help us celebrate this occasion,” says Ulf Göransson, Professor of Pharmacognosy.
The Summer School recently launched an impressive line up of courses within this years focus: Challenges and Opportunities in Drug Development. Activities also include, among many things, poster sessions, scientific competitions and a study visit to Cytiva.
“We have experienced a very positive response from Uppsala University’s educators, and numerous courses will be presented by teachers and researchers at the Faculty of Pharmacy. As we encourage course leaders to incorporate both the fundamentals and the cutting edge of a topic, the Summer School is a great opportunity for us to show the excellent research going on at the Uppsala Biomedical Centre,” states Lindon Moodie.
“Participating in international conferences is one of the best things about being a PhD student. Socialising at such close range can lead to lifelong friendships and collaborations, and we have given our PhD students free rein to show Uppsala and the region at its absolute best, and I am sure that in July we will all experience a unique summer school that adds important values to both tradition and future,” says Ulf Göransson.
Magnus Alsne
- ULLA Summer School 2022 is arranged July 2-9 and by Uppsala University’s Faculty of Pharmacy.
- The ULLA consortium was formed in 1992 by the universities of Uppsala, Amsterdam, Leiden and London. Today, another six leading pharmaceutical research institutes have joined the network.
Learn more
- ULLA Summer School 22 online
- ULLA Summer School on Instagram • Facebook • Twitter
- ULLA Consortium online