Winners of 2022 teaching awards announced

Professor Thomas Nygren of the Department of Education is honoured with the 2022 free distinguished teaching award on the theme “The critical approach in a polarised world”.

Professor Thomas Nygren of the Department of Education is honoured with the 2022 free distinguished teaching award on the theme “The critical approach in a polarised world”.

This year’s winners of the distinguished teaching award at Uppsala University teach courses in theology, psychology, forensic science and electronics. The free pedagogy prize this year has the theme “The critical approach in a polarised world” and is awarded to Professor Thomas Nygren of the Department of Pedagogy, Didactics and Educational Studies.

The educational prizewinners are nominated by their students and colleagues. The final prizewinners are chosen by the Vice-Chancellor based on proposals from an evaluation group of eight teachers and eight students. This year, 56 teachers were nominated. The prize money is SEK 20,000.

Professor Thomas Nygren of the Department of Education is awarded the 2022 free distinguished teaching award on the theme “The critical approach in a polarised world”.

Rationale: When students meet Thomas Nygren, they meet an educator who promotes factual dialogue and challenges fact resistance based on the solid foundation of his own research on critical thinking and digital competence. He is capable of explaining the importance of a critical approach in an engaging, clear and educational way. Prospective teachers are well prepared by Thomas Nygren’s teaching to help future generations work in a polarised world with an ever-growing need for source-critical capabilities. Thomas Nygren has also driven the development of subject didactic features in the teacher education programmes, with sensitivity towards the students.

Theology, humanities and educational science

Brian Palmer, Senior Lecturer in the Department of
Theology. Photo: Martin Cejie

Brian Palmer, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Theology, is awarded the 2022 distinguished teaching award in the fields of theology, humanities and educational science.

Rationale: Brian Palmer is a passionate and inspiring educator who values every student. He is particularly appreciated for his varied and innovative teaching methods and assessments. Dr Palmer has a special ability to provide constructive criticism and feedback adapted to each individual student to stimulate their learning and critical thinking. Students and colleagues also attest to his public spiritedness, which is also conveyed in his lectures and seminars and his supervision of students at various levels.

Law and social sciences

Professor Terry Hartig of the Department of
Psychology. Photo: David Naylor

Professor Terry Hartig of the Department of Psychology is awarded the 2022 distinguished teaching award in the fields of law and social sciences.

Rationale: In his teaching, Terry Hartig succeeds in creating genuine interest in and desire for deeper development in the subject of environmental psychology. His attitude towards students is attentive and respectful, which leads to creative discussions in which students feel clearly able to contribute to a common learning process. By applying experimental methods to demonstrate what can be achieved in the local environment, students gain insight into how their acquired knowledge and skills can make a difference, both today and in the future.

Medicine and pharmacy

Professor Marie Allen of the Department of
Immunology, Genetics and Pathology.
Photo: Staffan Claesson

Professor Marie Allen of the Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology is awarded the 2022 distinguished teaching award in the fields of medicine and pharmacy.

Rationale: Marie Allen is a skilled, dedicated and approachable teacher who creates an interactive learning climate that inspires her students. She designed the Master’s Programme in Forensic Science and runs it as the programme director. Professor Allen develops the programme constantly to ensure that her teaching has a scientific approach, inspirational teaching methods and a clear progression. The programme content is based on collaboration between interprofessional departments and collaboration with judicial authorities. She develops work-related connections and the establishment of students’ contact networks through theoretical and practical content, which benefits students’ study motivation and learning process.

Mathematics, science and technology

Kjell Staffas, Senior Lecturerin the Department of
Electrical Engineering.

Kjell Staffas, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering, is awarded the 2022 distinguished teaching award in the fields of mathematics, science and technology.

Rationale: Kjell is distinguished by his drive and commitment to developing as a teacher. Highly approachable and open to questions, he ensures that students absorb the course content in a nuanced way. Students are inspired to learn more and experience his lectures as active discussions. He has the ability to adapt his teaching to the needs of each student. Students are satisfied that his subject didactic research benefits them. Kjell contributes to his colleagues’ development as teachers and stands up for his peers.

Annica Hulth

The Distinguished Teaching Award

Uppsala University confers annual awards for outstanding accomplishments in undergraduate education in accordance with special nomination categories.

Four of the awards are conferred upon teachers in the disciplines:

  • Theology, arts, and teacher training
  • Law and social sciences
  • Medicine and pharmacy
  • Mathematics, science, and technology

A fifth prize is awarded for outstanding teaching in a field selected for special priority during that year.

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