Erika P. Björkdahl inquiry chair on the new pre-purchase law



Erika P. Björkdahl, Professor of Private Law at the Faculty of Law in Uppsala, has been appointed by the Government as inquiry chair with the task of making it easier for municipalities to acquire real estate for certain purposes.

Sweden's municipalities need more tools to pursue an effective land policy and meet the extensive need for new housing. A new law is needed that, under certain conditions, would give a municipality the right to take the place of the buyer when acquiring real estate, a so-called pre-purchase.

The need for such a new pre-purchase law has increased in recent years, in order to reduce and combat segregation and facilitate urban transformation as a result of major business start-ups and expansions, for the reconstruction and development of civil defence, and for land access for socially important climate adaptation measures.

Erika P. Björkdahl, Director of the IFF – Institutet för fastighetsrättslig Forskning (Institute for Real Estate Research), has also been an expert in the inquiry on Strengthening Tenant Protection and in the inquiry on Location and Quality in Rent Setting.

The inquiry is due to submit its report by 7 December 2023.

More about Erika P. Björkdahl
Read more in the committee's directive (Dir. 2022:48) (in Swedish)

Maria Cicilaki

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